Grouper (Hamour)


The Grouper⁣ or locally known​ as the Hamour, is a ⁢species⁢ of ‍fish that belongs to​ the ⁤Serranidae ⁤family. The hamour⁣ fish is a variety of grouper from the Arabian ‍Gulf and North⁢ Western India.

Conservation Status

Presently, the‌ Grouper‍ or Hamour is ⁢classified as “Vulnerable” on ⁢a global level, contending with excessive fishing and habitat pollution. Several conservation efforts are currently⁢ underway, ​particularly in the Arabian Gulf and North Western India, including strict regulation of fishing practices and the development of marine reserves and sanctuaries.


Statistic Average Range
Length 100 cm 50⁣ cm – ‌150⁤ cm
Weight 15 kg 5 kg – 100 kg
Average⁤ Lifespan 12 years
Temperature​ Range 16°C ⁢- 28°C


Groupers are widely distributed throughout the Arabian ⁢Gulf and⁢ North Western India. Moreover, they also inhabit ⁤some⁤ parts of the⁣ South China Sea. ⁣They tend to migrate offshore over the ⁣deeper reefs for spawning between July ‍and August.


Being a saltwater fish, the Grouper thrives in marine ⁣environments within a depth range of 10 to 100 meters.‌ The species tends to prefer warmer climates, with a temperature range of 16°C -⁢ 28°C.

When and⁣ Where to See

Groupers tend to be more active during the warmer months, specifically ​from late spring to early autumn. Nighttime is generally when these fishes are most active.

Best Fishing Locations

The top places for fishing‍ Groupers are as follows:

  1. Persian Gulf, United ⁣Arab Emirates
  2. Around the Andaman and Nicobar islands, India
  3. South China Sea, Near Hong ⁢Kong and⁣ Taiwan
  4. Arabian Sea, Near Oman

How to Catch

Groupers are partial⁣ to cut bait, live bait fish, and shiny⁣ jigs. For conventional⁤ fishing, bottom fishing over the⁢ reefs​ is the best technique. The best‌ time​ to catch them is during ​their active⁣ period in the warmer months,⁢ particularly at ‍night.

Identification Guide

Groupers possess a stout‍ body and a large mouth. They are seen in a variety of colors and patterns, but are usually darkly colored. Although ‍similar to the Sea Bass, Groupers can be ​distinguished by ⁣their ⁣rounded​ pectoral and caudal‌ fins.


How to Cook

Groupers are very popular in Asian dishes​ due ‌to their firm texture and mild⁤ flavor. It can ‌be ​grilled, pan-fried, or ⁢used in a hearty seafood stew.

Taste Profile

Groupers have‍ a mild flavor that ⁣is slightly‍ sweet with ⁣a hint of a savory note.

Nutritional Information

Groupers are ⁢low in fat and ⁢high in protein. ⁤They are also‌ a good source of⁣ Vitamins B6 and B12, as ⁢well as Omega-3 fatty acids.


Most popular recipes include Asian ⁢Grouper Stew,​ Grilled ​Grouper⁤ with Lemon⁣ & Herbs, and Pan-Fried‍ Grouper with Citrus ​Sauce.

Additional​ Information


Groupers are solitary creatures that prefer to live in rocky areas or hide among ⁢sponges‍ and corals. They typically eat other⁢ fishes and invertebrates.

Predators and ⁤Threats

Natural predators ⁣of ‌the Grouper ‌include larger fish ⁣like Sharks and‍ Barracudas. Overfishing ⁢and ⁣habitat degradation due to‍ pollution continue to pose significant human-induced‍ threats.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

In the United Arab Emirates, the Grouper or Hamour is​ a symbol ⁣of the Emirates’ rich coastal ⁣heritage and plays a central role in traditional coastal community livelihoods.

References ​and Further Reading

The most recommended sources and readings include: