Grouper (Snowy)


The Snowy Grouper, scientific name Epinephelus niveatus, is a member of the Serranidae family, a large family of fishes that include groupers and anthias.

Conservation Status

Currently, the Snowy⁣ Grouper is listed as‌ “Vulnerable”⁤ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Efforts to conserve Snowy Grouper populations often focus on implementing fishing regulations, including size and catch⁢ limits, to prevent overharvesting.


Average ​Length Length Range Average Weight Weight Range Average Lifespan
70 cm 60-80 cm 10 kg 5-15 kg 15 years


The Snowy Grouper is usually found in the ​Western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts to⁣ Brazil, including the Gulf ​of Mexico. It is not ⁣generally known to migrate.


This species prefers marine or saltwater environments. Snowy Groupers are usually found at depths ‌of between 60 and 1200 meters, and ⁣can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures.

When ‍and Where to See

Snowy ‌Groupers can be seen year-round, though ⁤they are most common in the ⁣warmer months. They tend to be more active during the ‍day.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Florida Keys, Florida
  • Cape Hatteras, North ⁣Carolina
  • Gulf⁤ of Mexico
  • Brazilian coast
  • Grand Banks, ‍off Newfoundland

To find Snowy Groupers, look for rocky bottoms and ⁣coral reefs in deep water.

How to Catch

Preferred baits for Snowy Grouper include squid,⁤ small fish, and cut bait. Effective ⁣fishing techniques include⁢ bottom fishing, ⁣trolling, and spearfishing. The best⁢ times to fish‍ for Snowy Groupers are in late ⁢spring and early summer.

Identification Guide

Snowy Groupers are generally dark brown‍ or black with small white spots along their⁤ sides and back. They have broad, round tails and a characteristic grouper shape.


Snowy Grouper is prized for its firm, white flesh and mild flavor. It can be‍ grilled, baked, or fried and is commonly used in salads or as a main course. Nutritional information includes a high protein content, low fat, and rich source ‍of vitamins.

Additional Information

Snowy Groupers are⁣ solitary hunters that prefer to feed on small fish, ‍squid, and crustaceans. They ⁢are preyed upon by larger ⁤fish and ⁤sharks. There is no specific⁢ cultural or historical significance‌ associated with this species.

References and ​Further Reading

For ​more information about‍ Snowy Groupers, readers may wish to consult sources such as the FishBase ⁤database and NOAA’s fishery management plan​ for the species. ‍Note that links to these resources are ‍not provided as per the task ⁢instructions