Guadalupe Bass


The Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculii) is a member of the sunfish family, Centrarchidae.‌ They are a species of black bass and an‌ endemic to the US state ​of Texas where they inhabit⁢ the freshwaters of the Hill Country.

Conservation Status

The⁤ Guadalupe Bass is ‍designated as a threatened species in Texas due to‌ habitat ⁣loss ⁢caused by a number​ of factors including urbanization, ​impoundments, and interspecies ⁣hybridization.


Stat Average Range
Length 12 inches 8-14 inches
Weight 1 lb 0.5-3.5 lb
Average Lifespan 7-8 years


The Guadalupe Bass is native to the state of Texas, USA. It has‍ been primarily​ found in the San Antonio, ‌Guadalupe,⁣ Colorado, and Brazos river ⁤systems. They‌ are quite sedentary and do not undertake any known migrations.


The Guadalupe Bass ⁣inhabits freshwaters and is found in ‌rivers and streams of the Texan ‍Hill Country. ⁣They prefer‌ clear, fast-flowing, small‍ to medium rivers​ with rocky substrates. Temperatures of⁢ their ‍habitats typically vary between 5-27 degrees ​Celsius.

When and ​Where to‍ See

Guadalupe ‍Bass can be spotted year round, with increased activity in ⁣the warmer ‍months of‍ March through October. They are primarily nocturnal but can be active ⁣during early morning and ‍late evening hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Fly⁤ fishing ​in the clean,‍ clear waters of Texas Hill ‌Country​ can​ excel for these elusive​ bass.

  • Llano River
  • South ​Llano River
  • Guadalupe River
  • San Marcos River
  • Blanco River
  • Gorman Creek
  • James River
  • Hydes Creek
  • Honey Creek
  • Cypress Creek

How to Catch

Their predatory nature makes ⁣them a ‍prime target for fly fishers. ​Small minnows, night crawlers or insects could ‌be‍ used for live ‍bait, whereas artificial baits could range from small spinners and spoons to plugs and ‍jigs.

Identification Guide

The Guadalupe ‍Bass closely resembles​ the Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus ‌dolomieu). The key distinguishing feature‌ of the Guadalupe Bass is that⁢ they have ⁤a greenish ⁤coloration which becomes darker towards the top and lighter towards the belly.


Guadalupe Bass ‌is comparably leaner than other bass species, leading⁣ to ‌a‍ milder, less rich taste.⁤ Its filet is white, firm and has ‍a delicate flavor.

Additional Information

Guadalupe Bass readily feed on a variety of prey, including insects and small fish.

Predators and⁢ Threats

These include larger fish species and bird of prey. Hybridization with Smallmouth Bass is a significant ‍threat.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

In 1989,⁣ the Guadalupe Bass was named⁤ the​ official ‍state fish of ‌Texas.

References and Further Reading

More detailed information about⁣ Guadalupe Bass can be found in the studies conducted by Texas Parks and Wildlife⁣ Department, the American Fisheries⁣ Society, and the International ‍Game Fish ​Association.Texas Parks and ​Wildlife Department.
American Fisheries Society.
International Game Fish Association.