Haller’s Round Ray


The Haller’s Round Ray (Urobatis⁢ halleri) is a species of round ray, a type of stingray, that belongs ‍to the ​Urotrygonidae family. Named ‌after the ‌Swiss naturalist Alphonse‌ Louis Pierre‍ Pyrame de Candolle, it is a small and interesting marine creature.

Conservation Status

The Haller’s Round ​Ray is currently classified as a​ species of​ Least Concern ‍on ​the ⁢International ‍Union‌ for ‌Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Ongoing conservation ‌efforts are primarily ‌focused on monitoring population trends and⁤ preservation of its natural habitat.


Length Weight Average Lifespan
Average: 10 cm,‌ Range: 6-14 cm Average: 0.3 ​kg,‍ Range: 0.2-0.6 kg Up to 10 years


The Haller’s Round Ray is primarily found along the western coast of America, from the Gulf of California in Mexico ‌up to the US state of Oregon. There are no notable migration patterns.


  • Water ⁣type: Marine, brackish
  • Depth range: 0-20 m
  • Temperature range: 15-24°C

When and Where to⁤ See

The Haller’s Round Ray can be ⁣spotted year-round, particularly⁣ in shallow coastal waters during the day.

Best Fishing ⁤Locations

Popular locations‌ for catching ​Haller’s​ Round Ray include:

  • Gulf of California, Mexico
  • The Northwestern Pacific coastline, USA
  • Southern California, ‍USA

For those ‍who don’t have access to specific‍ locations,​ look ‍for them in shallow, sandy or muddy areas,‍ particularly in brackish waters.

How to Catch

  • Preferred bait: Live or cut ‍fish
  • Fishing techniques: Bottom ​fishing or⁢ spearfishing
  • Best time: ​During the⁣ day, particularly at high tide

Identification Guide

The Haller’s Round Ray is characterised ⁤by its near-round disc shape, grey ‌to dark ⁤brown​ dorsal side and white underside. Unlike other ‌rays,‍ it has no dorsal fin and its tail is ⁤short and thick.

Culinary Information

Haller’s ​Round Ray is not⁣ commonly consumed⁢ and therefore, culinary information is scarce.

Additional Information

The Haller’s Round Ray is a solitary species that⁤ feeds on ‍marine invertebrates and small fish. Its natural‌ predators include larger fishes ‍and marine birds. It ⁤faces human-induced threats from habitat destruction and pollution.

References and Further Reading

For further ⁤reading, please check FishBase or Oceana website.