

The Hapuka (Polyprion oxygeneios) is a type⁣ of ‌wreckfish from the family⁣ Polyprionidae. Known also ⁣as ⁣Groper, Hapuka is one ⁢of ‌the larger species of​ wreckfish, distinguished by its large head and body.

Conservation Status

The Hapuka’s current⁢ conservation status is not thoroughly determined. ⁤Ongoing research into the species’ population and potential threats is essential to⁤ understand any conservation efforts required. ⁢


Aspect Average Range
Length 1.2 m 0.6 – 1.8 m
Weight 20 kg 0 – 100 kg
Lifespan 60 years N/A


Hapuka are found in regions of the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Australia​ and New ‌Zealand. Their migration patterns ‍remain unclear due to lack⁤ of research data.


Hapuka live in marine water, often at depths of 30 to 800 meters. They thrive in temperatures ranging between 10 and 16 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to See

Hapuka are typically spotted during the winter season.‌ They can frequently be seen during low light periods such as dawn and dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

One of the top places to find Hapuka is at ​the Cook Strait in New Zealand. Also, ‌a significant population can⁤ be ​found along the Southeast Coast​ in South Australia. To spot a Hapuka when not in‍ these ⁤regions, you may look for rocky reefs and underwater cliffs in the deep sea.

How to Catch

Hapuka are attracted to baits such‍ as ⁢squid, cuttlefish, and fish strips. Methods like⁣ bottom fishing in⁤ deep reefs and underwater cliffs can be effective.⁣ Low‍ light periods, especially dawn and dusk, ​are particularly ⁣productive.

Identification Guide

Hapuka is a‌ silver-blue species, characterised by a large square tail and a weak lateral⁣ line. They can be differentiated​ from their closest lookalike, the⁤ Bass groper, ‍by⁢ the shape ‍of their tail and ⁣the colour difference.


Hapuka can​ be filleted and has a rich⁣ flavour. It’s often used in fish and chips due to its firm, succulent flesh.

Additional Information

Hapuka ​are known ‍to feed ⁢on crabs, lobsters, and​ various deep-sea creatures. Their primary predators are larger marine creatures and human fishing activities.

Their name “Hapuka” is a ⁤Māori word that has been adopted by English-speaking ⁣inhabitants of New Zealand.

References and Further Reading

1. [Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. (2012). “Polyprion oxygeneios” in FishBase. February 2012 version.](https://www.fishbase.de/summary/Polyprion-oxygeneios.html)
2. [Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. “Hapuka.”](https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/Documents/Hapuka.pdf)
3. [Fisheries New Zealand. “New Zealand Inshore Finfish Species – Hapuka.”](https://www.fisheries.govt.nz/dmsdocument/891-new-zealand-inshore-finfish-species-hapuka)

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