

Species Name: ⁢ The Ide ⁣(Leuciscus‌ idus)
Family Name: Cyprinidae

The Ide, ⁣also known as Orfe or Golden Orfe, is a species‍ of ‍freshwater fish in the ⁤family Cyprinidae. This species is native to Europe⁣ and has been introduced to other parts of the world.

Conservation Status

Current ‌Status: Least Concern
Conservation Efforts: Currently there are no specific conservation‍ efforts for the⁣ Ide as ‌it is‍ listed as “Least Concern” in the conservation status. ‌However, general conservation measures like maintaining water quality and managing fisheries are applicable ⁤to maintaining its population.


Average Length Range Length Average Weight Range Weight Average Lifespan Other ⁢Stats
40 cm 20​ – 70 cm 1kg 0.5 – 2.5 kg 10 – ​15​ Years n/a


Regions/Countries: Europe,​ Asia (Introduced to⁣ North America⁣ and New Zealand)
Migration patterns: The Ide does not generally undertake ⁢significant migrations, but can move locally according to weather conditions and food availability.


Water type: Freshwater
Depth range: Shallow‌ to moderate depths
Temperature⁤ range: The Ide ​is a cold-water species and prefers temperatures of 4°C – 20°C.

When and Where to⁢ See

Seasonal⁣ patterns: All year⁤ around,​ with the highest activity in warmer ​months.
Time of day: Ide are most‍ active during‌ the day.

Best Fishing⁢ Locations

Here are the top places to​ fish for Ide:

1. Balaton Lake, Hungary
2. Volga ​River, Russia
3. Dnieper ‍River, Ukraine
4. Oder River, ⁤Germany
5.​ Vistula River, Poland
6. Danube River,⁢ Austria
7. Tisza River, Hungary
8. Lake Vanern, Sweden
9. Lake Peipus, ​Estonia/Russia
10. Elbe River, Czech ‍Republic

General⁣ Tips: Look ⁣for Ide in‍ areas of moderate⁣ current with plenty ⁢of vegetation. The Ide tends to prefer clearer waters than other⁢ cyprinids.

How to Catch

Preferred bait or lures: Worms, insects, small‍ fish
Fishing techniques: ⁤ Spinning, Coarse ‍Fishing, Fly Fishing
Best time ‍of ⁢day or season for‌ fishing: Ide are most active during‌ the day, with spring and early⁤ summer being the best seasons.

Identification ‌Guide

The Ide has a torpedo-shaped body ⁣with a ⁣rounded belly.⁤ It is typically silver-blue with a ‍dark ​back and a white belly.⁣ Fins are usually colorless to slightly red. ⁣It can be distinguished from similar species‌ by​ its size and‌ the lack of barbels.


How to Cook: Grilling, smoking, frying
Taste Profile: Mild, slightly sweet
Nutritional Information: High in protein, low in fat
Recipes: Ide can‍ replace ‍any white‍ fish in a variety‍ of recipes.

Additional Information

The Ide is omnivorous and feeds ⁣mostly on invertebrates, plants, seeds, and small fish. The Ide breeds in April-May when females lay⁢ eggs ​onto vegetation or rocky substrates.

References and Further Reading

Resources with lots of additional information about the Ide⁤ are:

1. FishBase
2. The IUCN Red List ⁣of Threatened Species
3. Encyclopedia ⁣of Life
4.⁢ Pan-European ⁢Species directories‍ Infrastructure