Indian Threadfish


The ​Indian ​Threadfish, ‌scientifically ⁢known⁢ as‌ Alectis indicus, is a part of the Carangidae ⁣family. This species is commonly known ⁣for its unique silver color and its striking elongated dorsal and anal finlets that resemble threads, hence its name.

Conservation​ Status

The‌ Indian Threadfish is‍ currently classified as ‘Least Concern’ by the International Union for ​Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Efforts are ongoing to carefully monitor its population due to its‍ popularity as a food and sport fish.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 1 ​meter 0.7-1.7 ‌meters
Weight 15kg 5-20kg
Life Span 10 years N/A


This species can be found widely across⁣ the Indian Ocean, especially​ around coastal areas of India and Sri Lanka. Some Indian Threadfish even migrate ⁤as far as Southeast Asia, including the coastal areas of​ Indonesia⁤ and Malaysia.


Indian⁢ Threadfish⁢ are typically found in ⁣warm, tropical salt waters with a⁤ depth range of 15-30 meters. They thrive in ⁤a‌ temperature range of 24-28 °C.

When and Where to See

The best time to spot ‌the Indian Threadfish is in the late spring and throughout ⁢the summer,⁤ especially during dawn or ‌dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

Here are some of the best locations to catch the Indian Threadfish:

1.‍ Andaman and Nicobar Islands, ⁣India
2. Maldives
3. Lakshadweep, India
4. Goa, India
5. Phuket, Thailand
6. Bintan ‌Island, Indonesia
7. Johor, Malaysia
8. ⁣Langkawi, Malaysia
9. Eastern Sri Lanka

General Tips

The‍ Indian Threadfish is often found near the ⁢surface of coastal waters, especially near coral reefs. Look for schools of⁣ small baitfish, which Indian⁤ Threadfish often hunt.

How to Catch

When it comes to⁢ bait or lures, they prefer ‌small crustaceans or fish. Techniques that are⁤ successful include trolling⁣ and popping.

Identification Guide

The Indian Threadfish has‌ a silver body with‍ elongated dorsal and‍ anal finlets. It’s similar to the African Pompano, but can be distinguished by its longer ‘thread-like’ ‍finlets.


This species is known for its rich, buttery flavor and firm texture. Its nutritional profile includes high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It’s a versatile fish that​ can be grilled, baked or fried.

Additional Information

Indian Threadfish are generally solitary‌ hunters.‌ They prey mostly on small fish and crustaceans. Sharks and larger predatory fish are⁢ known to feed on them.

References and Further Reading

For further information on the Indian Threadfish, the following resources and readings are suggested:

1.‌ [FishBase]({:target=”_blank”}
2. [FAO Species Catalogue]({:target=”_blank”}
3. “A​ Guide to Indian Ocean Fish” by Mark V. Erdmann
4. “Fishes ⁢of⁢ the⁣ Indian Ocean” by Richard Field