Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin


The Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin, also known as Makaira mazara, is a formidable species⁣ from ⁢the family Istiophoridae – often renowned for its agility and dart-like speed. Their impressive size, elegant ‍beauty, and spirited fight make them one of the most desired catches ​for sport fishermen‌ worldwide.

Conservation Status

Listed‍ as ‘Vulnerable’ by the International⁤ Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin is threatened primarily due to over-fishing and incidental catch in tuna longline fisheries. Conservation efforts are in place, focusing largely⁢ on adjusting fishing quotas and raising awareness about the species’ plight.


Length Weight Average Lifespan
Average:‌ 3.5 meters
Range: 2.2‍ – 4.5​ meters
Average: 170 kg
Range: 80 – 400 kg
15-20 Years


The Indo-Pacific Blue Marlin inhabits the open waters of tropical‍ and temperate parts of the widest ocean–the Indo-Pacific. These marlins demonstrate high migratory tendencies which are generally linked to⁢ the sea surface temperature and currents.


These awe-inspiring fish reside in the offshore waters,⁤ preferring the warm surface layers. They can adapt ‌to different depth ranges depending upon food availability and water temperatures,⁤ which usually fall within 22°C to 31°C.

When and Where to See

They are typically more abundant⁣ during seasons and in areas​ of upwelling, ‍mainly​ driven by climatic conditions. Sightings ‌often ​peak in the late afternoons when they move towards the surface to feed.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. North Shore,⁣ Hawaii, United States
  2. Port Stephens, Australia
  3. Pinas Bay, Panama
  4. Cape Verde Islands
  5. Gulf of Mexico, United States
  6. Guatemala
  7. Key West, Florida, United ⁤States
  8. Bermuda
  9. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
  10. Luzon, Philippines
  11. Cairns, Australia

How to‌ Catch

The Indo-Pacific Blue ‌Marlins are best caught using trolled baitfish or squid, ‌but can also be enticed‍ with artificial lures. Techniques like offshore trolling and drift baiting are often recommended. The best time to catch them often aligns with late afternoon into early evening, when these fierce predators are actively feeding.

Identification Guide

Emphasized by a striking cobalt-blue color on​ top, which fades to a silvery white below, they⁣ are characterized‍ by their elongated body, a pointed bill, and a rigid dorsal fin. They can be differentiated from other marlins by the rounded tips of their pectoral fins.


The meat of the Indo-Pacific Blue‍ Marlin is rich, semi-firm, and distinctly flavorful. Often ​smoked or grilled, it is also served raw as sashimi. The⁢ flesh is high in protein and contains beneficial omega-3 ‍fatty acids.

Additional Information

These marlins are solitary swimmers and consummate predators feeding ⁣mostly on tuna and squid. Their ⁣main threat is⁤ commercial and recreational fishing. They hold significant cultural and‍ economic importance in many coastal communities, particularly as a ‌trophy in sport-fishing.

References and​ Further‍ Reading

For further information refer to the works of⁢ [Nakamura, I., 1985](, [FAO Species Catalogue, Vol. 5](, ⁢and [FishBase]( All links open in ​a new tab