Inshore Lizardfish


The Inshore Lizardfish, also‍ known as Synodus foetens, is a marine species belonging to the Synodontidae ‍family.

Conservation Status

The Inshore Lizardfish is currently deemed ⁣as⁢ of⁢ “Least Concern” by conservation statuses. This is largely⁣ due to ​the species’ ‍wide range and⁢ lack of known threats.


Average Range
Length 25cm 15cm – ​38cm
Weight 0.5kg 0.2kg – 1kg
Average Lifespan Up to 5 years


Inshore Lizardfish are widely distributed across the​ Western Atlantic from New Jersey, USA to Brazil, including the Gulf of ⁢Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.
They display no known migration ‌patterns.


Inshore Lizardfish inhabit saltwater marine environments, prefering a depth range of 15-200m. They are found in warm, tropical waters.

When and Where to ⁢See

Inshore Lizardfish can be encountered year-round,​ with the greatest likelihood of spotting ⁤them during the daytime.

Best Fishing Locations

While ‍specific hotspots for Inshore Lizardfish are not broadly⁢ identified, common locations include⁢ coastal ⁤and estuarine waters around:

  • Florida, USA
  • Cuba
  • The Bahamas
  • Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

In general,⁤ look⁣ for clear, warm‍ waters with sandy or muddy bottoms where this species ‌likes to dwell.

How to Catch

Inshore ‍Lizardfish are attracted to a variety⁢ of baits including squid, small fish, and shrimp. Common techniques involve bottom fishing using a light ​tackle.
They ​are less active​ at night, so fishing ​is most successful⁣ during daylight hours.

Identification Guide

Inshore Lizardfish are characterized ​by an elongated body with a pointed snout, ‍wide mouth and sharp teeth. It has two‍ dorsal fins ‍and a lightly-coloured body​ speckled with red-brown.


Despite their slightly‍ off-putting‌ appearance, Inshore Lizardfish‌ are edible and can ‌have a delicate, mild flavor.‌ They can be grilled, fried, or baked.
However, their small size and numerous Y-bone⁤ structure may pose a challenge during⁤ preparation.

Additional Information

Inshore Lizardfish ⁤are opportunistic feeders, primarily hunting⁤ small fish and crustaceans. As for predators, larger fish, sharks and seabirds⁤ are known to ⁢feed on this species.
There is little known⁣ about their cultural or historical significance.

References and Further Reading