

The Kob (Arqyrosomus japonicus) is a large, beautiful fish ⁤part‍ of the Sciaenidae family. Renowned for their ability to put​ up a good fight when being fished,‌ they​ are prized targets for sport fishermen, ⁣and equally valued by commercial fishermen for their tender, tasty flesh.

Conservation Status

While not currently listed under the IUCN Red List, the Kob‌ population is under pressure due⁤ to a ⁢combination of​ overfishing and habitat ⁤destruction. Several efforts towards sustainable fishing practices and habitat conservation are underway to ‌help this iconic species recover.


Aspect Average Range
Length 120 cm 80-140 cm
Weight 15⁣ kg 5-40 kg
Lifespan 20 years


The Kob is a migratory fish found along the⁣ coasts of Southern⁤ Africa, from Angola to Mozambique. Their migration patterns are influenced by availability of food and breeding sites.


Kob​ primarily inhabit the nearshore environments, but ⁣can venture into depths up to⁢ 100 metres. They are also known to enter estuaries and can​ tolerate a wide range of ⁢temperatures.

When ​and Where‌ to See

While Kob can‍ be spotted throughout the year, their presence is more notable from late spring to early winter. They are more⁣ likely to be ​spotted ⁣during late afternoon or early morning hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Some ‍of the best fishing locations for Kob include the Orange River ⁤Mouth, Breede River, Sodwana Bay, and⁢ Nahoon. When ​specific locations are‌ not that important, look for areas with deep channels, rocky reefs or drop-offs where ⁤kob like to hunt.

How to‌ Catch

Kob are known to fall for⁤ a variety‌ of baits. ⁢Popular‍ choices include squids, sardines, and mackerels. Beach and estuary⁣ fishing are common techniques, although some fishers also prefer trawling or ‍fly fishing. The best times for catching Kob are usually ⁤around dawn ⁣and dusk.

Identification Guide

The Kob is silver-green to bronzy, with a slightly darker‌ dorsal area. ⁤The body shape is elongated, with ‍a broad rounded head. It is sometimes‍ confused with ⁢other members of the Sciaenidae family, but can be identified by its unique mouth shape and scale pattern.


Kob is⁢ known for its firm, white flesh that is mild in flavor. It can ⁤be grilled, fried, or ⁢used‍ in a variety of​ dishes. It is rich in proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

This species is ​predominantly piscivorous, feeding​ mostly on a diet of ​smaller fish,⁤ but will also eat cephalopods and crustaceans.‌ Natural ⁣predators of⁢ the Kob ⁢include larger marine species ⁣such as sharks. ‍The species holds a significant place in angling communities and has been a source⁢ of livelihood for many coastal communities.

References and⁣ Further Reading

For further reading, consult​ species ‍guides and books on Southern African marine ⁣life such as “The Sea⁤ Fishes of Southern Africa” by ⁣J.L.B. Smith and “Marine⁣ fishes of southern Africa”⁣ by Rudy van ‌der⁣ Elst. Marine websites and local government publications on marine ⁣biology and⁤ conservation can also provide further insights. Always ensure that any information gathered is from reputable sources.