Largetooth Sawfish


Scientifically known as ​Pristis pristis, the‍ Largetooth Sawfish belongs to the family Pristidae, commonly identified by its distinctive​ saw-like rostrum or “snout.”

Conservation ‍Status

Due to fishing‍ pressures and habitat loss, the Largetooth Sawfish ‌currently⁣ stands as Critically Endangered on the International Union for ⁤the Conservation ⁢of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Various conservation efforts are underway, including ​habitat preservation,‌ fishing restrictions, and public educational initiatives to raise ‌awareness about the species.


Measurement Range Average
Length 16 – 23 feet 20 ⁤feet
Weight 770 – 1320 pounds 990 pounds
Lifespan Up to 30 years


Largetooth Sawfish are tropical species mostly found in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf ​of Mexico,⁤ and Indo-Pacific waters. They exhibit no well-documented migration pattern.‌ However, juveniles often move‌ into⁤ freshwater rivers, returning to coastal waters ‌as adults.


The Largetooth Sawfish prefers tidal inlets, bays, estuaries, and river systems. With ⁣a depth range from surf line to ‌30 feet at most, they can withstand both salt and fresh water, often thriving in water temperatures around 70°F – 85°F.

When and‍ Where to See

Sawfish are most commonly sighted during the summer. ‌Their preference ‍for ⁢shallow waters makes ⁣them more visible in the daytime.

Best Fishing Locations and ‍Tips

While the Largetooth ‍Sawfish is protected and should not⁣ be deliberately fished,⁤ knowing their​ locations can help avoid‍ accidental interactions.

  1. Florida‍ Bay, ⁤USA
  2. Belize Barrier Reef, Belize
  3. Gulf de Salinas,⁣ Cuba
  4. Amans river, Australia
  5. Rio Ramos,⁣ Mexico

When⁢ venturing into ​sawfish ‌habitats, use heavy⁢ gear to allow quick release, minimize deep-hooking‍ by‍ using circle ‌hooks and avoid casting in areas likely⁣ to be homes to sawfish.

How to Catch

Fishing for Largetooth Sawfish is illegal‌ due to ‍their ⁢conservation status. If one is accidentally hooked, it must be released immediately and unharmed.

Identification‌ Guide

Largetooth Sawfish ⁣have a body ⁤similar to a⁢ shark but are ⁤identified ⁣by their distinctive saw-like rostrum, which⁤ they use to detect and disable prey. Their skin is brownish-grey, and they boast symmetrical pectoral fins. They are often mistaken​ for​ Smalltooth Sawfish but can be distinguished⁤ by the position of their first dorsal fin aligning perfectly⁣ with their pelvic fins.

Additional Information

Largetooth Sawfish rely on electroreceptors to find food, which includes small fish and crustaceans. Threats ‌include habitat degradation, entanglement in fishing gear, and the illegal trade for their distinctive rostra. Historically, they hold immense cultural significance, ‍often depicted in Aboriginal drawings and viewed as a symbol of the creation period in some indigenous cultures.

References and Further Reading

In keeping yourself updated about ‍the Largetooth Sawfish and its conservation status, sources like Florida ⁤Museum ( and FishBase ( highly⁤ recommended.All links open in a new tab.

Note: Respect all fishing laws and⁤ conservation efforts⁢ dedicated to preserving this magnificent species.