Leather Bass


Species​ Name: Leather Bass
Family: The Leather⁢ Bass, scientifically known as Dermatolepis dermatolepis, belongs to the Serranidae family. This family is represented predominantly by groupers and sea basses.

Conservation Status

Current Status

As of the last assessment, the Leather Bass is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN‍ Red List.

Conservation Efforts

Although the Leather Bass is not currently under threat, efforts are being⁤ made to conserve marine biodiversity as a whole. Regulations on ⁢fishing​ activities are strictly enforced​ and marine‌ protected areas are continually being established to ⁤protect various species, including the Leather Bass and‌ its habitat.


Average Length Length Range Average ⁤Weight Weight Range Average Lifespan
55 cm 30-70 ‍cm 3 kg 1.5-5 kg Up to 10 years



The ⁣Leather Bass can be found in the tropical waters of the Eastern Pacific, from southern California, USA to the coast of Peru and also the Galapagos Islands.

Migration⁤ Patterns

As a benthic species, the Leather⁤ Bass does not typically migrate but maintains⁣ a relatively restricted home range.


Water type

The Leather Bass lives in marine, salty waters.

Depth Range

The Leather Bass can be found ‍at depths ‍of 3 to 30⁤ m, although it ‍is most commonly found between 3 and 20 m.

Temperature ⁣Range

As ⁤a tropical ⁢species, the Leather Bass prefers warmer waters.‍ It typically lives in waters with temperatures ranging from 20 to 28 °C.

When and Where to See

Seasonal Patterns

The Leather Bass does not have a specific season when it is more visible. Their visibility​ may depend more on the tide than the time ​of year.

Time of Day

The Leather Bass is usually most active during the day, particularly in ⁣the morning‍ and late afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

The Leather Bass is commonly ⁣found in rocky coastal areas and reefs of the communities mentioned. Specific locations can include:

  • Cocos Island, Costa Rica
  • Gorgona ⁤Island, Colombia
  • La Jolla, California, USA
  • Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

How to​ Catch

Due​ to the⁢ Leather⁤ Bass’s predatory nature, various types of baitfish can be used, such as anchovies and sardines. Also, lures and jigs may be effective. The most effective strategy is often to ⁢fish near rocky reefs or structures where they reside.

Identification Guide

The Leather Bass ‌has a greyish to brown body with a scattering of dark spots. Executing a broadside look, the fish has a semi-triangular shape with a⁢ large, wide mouth which signifies⁣ its predatory diet.


How to Cook

Like many other fish, the Leather Bass can be baked, grilled,⁣ or fried.

Taste Profile

The Leather Bass has​ a firm, white flesh that is moderately fatty and has a mild, sweet flavor.

Nutritional Information

The ⁤Leather Bass is a good source of protein, omega-3 ​fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Additional Information


The Leather Bass is a predatory species and feeds primarily on small fish and invertebrates. ⁤

Predators and Threats

Leather Bass are carnivorous fish that serve as ⁣prey to larger piscivorous (fish-eating) creatures, including ⁤sharks⁢ and larger fish ​species. They can also be affected by habitat destruction and pollution.

Cultural / Historical Significance

Despite not being ⁤a​ primary target for commercial ⁢fishing, the Leather Bass is often caught incidentally and thus has local ecological significance⁣ in maintaining⁤ balance ⁤within its ecosystem.

References and Further Reading