Live Sharksucker


The Live Sharksucker, also scientifically ​recognized as ⁢Echeneis naucrates, is a fascinating‍ species hailing from ⁣the Echeneidae family.

Conservation Status

The species has been listed as ‘Least Concern’‌ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There have not been significant conservation efforts solely focused on the Live Sharksucker due‌ to its current status.


Statistic Average Range
Length 100 cm 70 – 110 cm
Weight 1.5⁣ kg 1 – 2 kg
Average Lifespan Up to 10 years N/A


The Live ‍Sharksucker is widely distributed in both temperate and tropical waters worldwide. Particularly, the species is prevalent in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. There is currently no evidence of significant migration patterns.


They are ‍found in marine environments, with a depth range ⁣from 0 to 75​ meters. These fish thrive in a‌ temperature range‌ of 20 – 28 °C.

When and Where to See

Seasonal Patterns

These fish can be⁤ seen throughout the year. However, visibility increases during ⁤warmer months due to increased ‌activity.

Time of Day

They ‍are most active during the ‌day, especially during dawn and dusk.

Best⁤ Fishing Locations

The Live ⁣Sharksucker can be​ found ⁤in many places around the world, but some prominent ones include:

  1. Hawaii, USA
  2. Red Sea, Egypt
  3. Great Barrier Reef, ⁤Australia
  4. Maldives
  5. Florida Keys, USA
  6. Bahamas
  7. Caribbean Sea
  8. Malmok Beach,⁤ Aruba
  9. Pacific Coast, Mexico
  10. Gulf of Thailand

How to ‌Catch

Live Sharksuckers are typically caught using live or cut⁢ bait. They are attracted to shiny lures mimicking small fish. Light‌ trolling or ​bottom fishing⁣ are effective techniques to catch them.

Identification Guide

The ⁢Live‍ Sharksucker is easily identifiable by its flattened body with a dark, grayish-blue color on top,⁣ and a lighter underside. It also has ‍a distinctive disc on its head ⁢that it uses to attach ⁢itself ⁤to larger marine animals.


While they are not typically targeted for food, some people do consume them. The flavor is described as mild with⁤ a firm texture.

Additional Information


Live Sharksuckers use ‍the disc⁤ on their head to ⁢attach themselves⁣ to larger marine animals and go along for ⁤a⁤ ride while picking off parasites‍ and scraps of leftover food.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include larger ​fish and seabirds. Human-induced threats ‍primarily include fishing, though not targeted⁢ due to their ⁣culinary ‌value.

Cultural/ ⁣Historical Significance

Although ⁤not heavily imbued with cultural or historical ​significance, ⁤the unique behavior & relationship of the Live Sharksucker with larger marine animals has⁢ been⁣ a topic of interest for marine biologists‍ and fish enthusiasts alike.

References and Further Reading