Longbill Spearfish


The ‌Longbill Spearfish (Tetrapturus pfluegeri) is a pelagic marlin species​ from ⁣the Istiophoridae family. An⁣ agile swimmer, the Longbill Spearfish has an elongated body shape,‍ perfectly suited ‌to its ocean-going lifestyle.

Conservation Status

The current conservation status of the Longbill Spearfish is classified as Least Concern according to the International ‍Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). ‍This indicates that there are no immediate threats affecting their survival ⁤and population. There are ​no special conservation efforts targeted at this species.


Attribute Average Range
Length 120 cm 75-150 cm
Weight 30 kg 15-50 kg
Average Lifespan 5-8 Years 5-8 Years


The Longbill Spearfish calls the Atlantic Ocean its home,⁤ typically found ​between ‌45°N and⁣ 35°S in⁣ the ‍western ‌and eastern ‌parts of the ⁢Atlantic. This species is not known to migrate,⁢ instead ⁢it stays in regions with temperatures ranging from 22-28 degrees Celsius.


Longbill ⁢Spearfish resides in ⁤oceans and salty waters, typically ​staying within a depth​ range of 0-200m. They prefer a water temperature of‍ 22-28°C.

When and⁤ Where to See

The seasonal patterns of Longbill ⁣Spearfish are not⁤ well defined, however, they are generally more active during⁤ warmer months. Their peak activity often happens in ⁢the warm hours of⁤ daylight.

Best Fishing Locations

Fishing for Longbill⁢ Spearfish can⁣ be an exciting ⁢endeavor due to their agile nature and powerful fights.⁤ Some of⁣ the top fishing locations include the coasts⁣ of ‌countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean such as United States, Brazil, Portugal, Spain,⁢ and Senegal.

How to Catch

Often caught using trolling techniques with ballyhoo, mullets or squid ⁣as bait, Longbill Spearfish put up an athletic display ​once hooked, making them a target for⁤ sport⁢ fishers.

Identification‌ Guide

Longbill Spearfish‍ can ⁤be identified by their slate-blue‍ body, which lightens to a silver-white down its‍ sides and belly. ⁣They get their name from their long, slender ⁤bill that is significantly longer ⁤than⁤ that ⁢of other billfish species.


While​ not typically targeted for ​their meat, Longbill Spearfish can be cooked in a variety ⁣of ways similar to other billfish. They have a sweet and delicate flavor that pairs⁤ well with a variety of sides and sauces.

Additional Information

They are known for their swift, acrobatic leaps and ‌long ⁢runs when hooked, making them a ⁢popular target for ⁢sport fishermen around the globe. Longbill⁤ Spearfish are typically solitary but can be seen⁣ in ‍small groups.


Longbill Spearfish are ​pelagic feeders, consuming ⁢a diet primarily of small fish and cephalopods.

Predators and ​Threats

Sharks and larger billfish species are known natural​ predators of Longbill Spearfish. Like⁤ many species, they face ​threats‌ from⁢ overfishing and‌ commercial fishing​ activities.

Cultural/Historical Significance

The Longbill Spearfish is recognized by the ⁣International Game ​Fish Association (IGFA) and there are annual tournaments where anglers ‍compete to catch the ⁤largest specimen.

References and Further Reading

For a detailed study of‌ the Longbill Spearfish, refer to‌ the‌ article ⁣ FishBase, and for‌ an ⁤understanding of⁢ their fight once hooked, ⁣reference International Game Fish Association.