Longfin Yellowtail


The Longfin Yellowtail, scientifically known as Seriola rivoliana, is a large fish species from the Carangidae family. This beautiful fish species is known for its attractive color and elongated fins.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of the‍ Longfin Yellowtail ⁣is “Least Concern”⁢ as per the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List. Current conservation efforts focus on monitoring populations and maintaining sustainable fishing practices.


Here are some notable statistics about ⁢the Longfin Yellowtail:

Length Weight Average Lifespan
100 cm (Average), 160 cm (Maximum) 15 kg (Average), 60 kg (Maximum) 15 years


The ​Longfin Yellowtail can be found ​in several regions worldwide including the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. They are known to migrate in vast shoals, moving with​ current flows and seasonal changes.


Longfin ‌Yellowtails prefer warmer, clear ⁢waters. They can be found at a depth range of 1 -‌ 360 meters, ⁢generally in a temperature range of 20-25°C.

When and Where to See

Spring and⁢ summer ⁢are the most common​ seasons to ‌see Longfin Yellowtails. They usually gather around coasts and shallow reefs during the day.

Best Fishing Locations

Top locations

  1. The Gulf of California, Mexico
  2. Baja ⁤Peninsula, Mexico
  3. Southern California, USA
  4. Azores, Portugal
  5. South Australia

Finding the Species

The best way to locate Longfin Yellowtails is to look for areas of warmer water⁤ with clear visibility. They can typically be found around structures such as shipwrecks or reefs.

How to Catch

Live bait like sardines⁣ or mackerels, or lures mimicking these, work best for catching⁢ Longfin Yellowtails. They can be caught using fishing techniques such as trolling and fly fishing. The‌ best times to catch these ‍fish are usually early morning⁣ and late afternoon, especially⁢ in spring and summer.

Identification Guide

Longfin Yellowtails are easily identifiable by their vibrant yellow tails and elongated fins. They usually have a blue to greenish-blue body and a silvery belly. The species is often confused with the closely related Yellowtail Amberjack, but can be ‌distinguished by its longer pectoral and dorsal fins.


Longfin Yellowtail is a popular⁢ fish for cooking, known for its firm white flesh and mild flavor. It’s great grilled, baked, or served as sashimi. Protien content is high, with an ‌average of 22 grams per⁣ 100 grams serving.

Additional Information

The Longfin Yellowtail is known to be highly migratory, opportunistic predators feeding on a variety of fishes, squids,‌ and crustaceans. Their natural predators include ⁣sharks and larger‍ fishes. They play a significant role within traditional fisheries in many parts of the world, contributing to local economies‍ and food security.

References and Further Reading

For additional information on ⁣the Longfin Yellowtail, the following ​credible sources and readings‌ are recommended:

  • “The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.” (Please, open​ it in new tab)
  • “FishBase – A global database‍ on Fish⁣ species.” (Please, ⁢open it in new tab)