Longnose Sucker


The Longnose Sucker (Catostomus catostomus) belongs ​to the Catostomidae family,‌ widely known for its elongated snout and mouth positioned ⁣under the⁣ head.

Conservation Status

Currently, the Longnose Sucker is classified as “Least Concern” by various conservation bodies due to its widespread⁣ distribution and large population ⁤sizes. Nonetheless, efforts to monitor populations and protect habitats are ongoing.


Statistic Average Range
Length 40 cm 25-50 cm
Weight 1 kg 0.5-1.5 kg
Average Lifespan 13 years N/A


Longnose ⁣Suckers are found across ‌North America, from Alaska and Canada to the northeastern United States.⁤ They don’t typically​ migrate but⁢ may move upriver for‍ spawning.


This species prefers freshwater environments like rivers and ⁣lakes. They​ tend ‌to favor cold, clear waters, and can be found at various depths depending on the time of year and availability of food.

When and Where ​to‍ See

Longnose ⁤Suckers are most active during spring when ⁤they move ⁢upriver‍ to spawn. They can be observed during daylight hours, generally in shallow waters around the⁣ edges of rivers and lakes.

Best Fishing Locations

Longnose Suckers can be found in:

1. Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada
2. Lake Superior, Michigan
3. Kenai River, ⁤Alaska
4. Mississippi River, Minnesota
5. Great Slave Lake, Canada
6. Columbia River, Washington
7. Platte River, Nebraska
8. Lake Huron, Michigan
9. Yukon River, Alaska
10. ‍Saint Lawrence River, Canada

Look for fast-moving clear waters or shallow, rocky areas where Longnose Suckers⁣ often gather to feed and breed.

How to Catch

The most effective baits for Longnose Suckers are worms and small minnows, but they can also be tempted by artificial flies. Traditional rod and reel fishing, as⁢ well as⁣ fly fishing, can be successful ​tactics. Early spring, during the spawning⁣ season, is the best time for fishing.

Identification Guide

Longnose Suckers are characterized​ by their elongated⁢ snouts, under-positioned mouths, and cylindrical bodies. They⁣ are generally dark brown on top, fading to a lighter shade on their sides and belly.


While they aren’t a favored sport fish, Longnose Suckers can be eaten and ‌are sometimes smoked⁢ or ⁤used in fish cakes. They have⁣ a⁤ mild taste and firm⁣ texture.

Additional Information

Longnose Suckers are primarily bottom feeders, ‌consuming plant material,‌ insects, and small​ invertebrates. They ‌spawn in the spring, with females​ laying ⁤their eggs in​ gravelly areas of ⁢fast-flowing streams. Potential threats include overfishing and habitat loss.

References and Further Reading