

The ⁢Machete (Elops machnata), also known‌ as​ the Tenpounder, is part of the ‌Elopidae family. A rather aptly ‍named species,⁣ this fish is recognized for its long, slender shape closely resembling ‌its ⁤namesake tool.

Conservation ⁢Status

Not often being⁤ the subject of commercial fishery, the Machete fish ⁤holds a status of ‘Least Concern’ on the conservation ⁢scale. The main conservation⁤ effort lies in maintaining the quality of its ‌preferred habitats.


Average Length 60 ‍cm ​(23.6 inches)
Length Range 50 – 70 ‍cm (19.7 ​- 27.6 ​inches)
Average ⁤Weight 8 kg ⁣(17.6 lbs)
Average Lifespan 7 years


Machete fish⁢ inhabit both‌ the ‍Atlantic⁣ and Pacific Oceans. ⁣They follow warm equatorial currents‍ and possess semi-migratory patterns, dictated mostly by food abundance and⁣ reproduction cycles.


Machete ⁣fish prefer tropical, subtropical, and temperate ‍waters, typically​ within ⁢the 24-30°C range. They can be found varying⁢ from the ⁣surface down ⁢to ⁤more considerable depths.

When and Where to See

Machete⁣ fish are seen year-round in ‌appropriate climates, but are ⁣most common during warmer months. They are most likely seen ⁤during the day while they are feeding.

Best Fishing Locations

Top locations to fish for the ‍Machete include the ​Gulf of Mexico, the Bahamas, Hawaiian Islands, the Caribbean, and ⁣the coasts of Central‍ and South America. If specific ⁢locations are not known, search for warm coastal waters, especially‌ near river mouths or estuaries.

How to‍ Catch

When chasing the​ Machete, artificial lures ⁤and⁢ flies seem to do‍ the trick. The best‍ time to fish‍ for them is during the warmer months and during daylight hours when they are the most active.

Identification Guide

Machete ⁢fish are marked by their ​elongated⁣ body shape and silvery color. They have ⁢small, round scales and ⁤a distinctly forked tail.​ Comparatively, they can be differentiated from the Ladyfish by their‍ sleeker body and ‍more prominent tail fork.

Culinary Information

The‌ Machete makes a favorable⁢ table fish. They‍ are generally grilled or fried, and have a mild, slightly sweet ​flavor.

Additional⁣ Information

In​ terms of behavior, the Machete is a strong fighter when hooked. Their predators include various ⁣larger fish and⁣ birds, with ⁤pollution acting ‍as a⁤ human-induced threat.

References and Further Reading