Mexican Mojarra


The Mexican Mojarra, also known scientifically as ‍’Gerres⁢ mexicanus’, is a fishing species that ‍belongs to the Gerreidae family. A subtropical⁣ fish, it ‍is widely popular and ⁢plentiful in various regions‌ across the globe.

Conservation ⁢Status

These species are not at immediate threat of extinction. Conservation efforts towards the Mexican Mojarra ⁣include sustainable‍ catch ⁣guidelines and habitat⁤ preservation initiatives.‌


Feature Average Range
Length 10 inches Up to 13 inches
Weight 1.5 lb 1-2 lb
Lifespan 10 years 7-14 ⁢years


This species is commonly found⁣ in the coastal waters of Mexico, hence the name,⁤ but‍ its⁣ migration patterns allow it to cover a wider geographical ‌span that⁢ includes Central America ⁤and the USA.


They are found in coastal and‍ brackish waters, ⁢ranging in depth from shallow waters to down to 30 meters. Their versatile nature makes them resilient to varying temperatures, although they are a warm-water ​species.

When and Where ⁢to See

  • Seasonal patterns: They are​ found year-round in warmer climates.
  • Time of day: They are most active⁢ during the morning and late afternoon hours.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Gulf⁢ of Mexico
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Bahía ⁣de Banderas, Mexico
  • Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast
  • Jamaica’s Montego ​Bay
  • Florida Keys, USA

General Tips

This species⁤ is often found in waters with vegetation or‍ other forms of cover.

How to Catch

The Mexican Mojarra is ⁢not particularly picky ⁣and can be lured⁢ with small crustaceans or worms. They⁢ are often caught by bottom fishing, particularly near covers ‍or ‍vegetation. Their feeding peak occurs around sunrise and‍ sunset.

Identification Guide

Mexican Mojarra are silvery⁣ with ​a ​blue-gray back and a deeply forked‍ tail. A distinguishing‍ characteristic is ⁢the mouth that extends into a long snout. They do⁤ not have any distinct markings. ⁢


Mexican Mojarra ‍is enjoyed grilled or ​fried with minimal seasoning to enjoy‌ its natural flavors. It’s a lean source of protein⁣ with mild flavor‌ and firm texture.

Additional Information

These are schooling fish, often⁣ found in large groups. Main threats include overfishing and loss‍ of ‌habitat due to coastal development. The Mexican Mojarra is locally significant as a staple food source⁤ and in local fishing economies.

References and Further Reading

Please refer to the following ⁤resources for additional information-

  • Fishbase – Gerres mexicanus

For ​expert fishing tips and location ⁤recommendations, these books come highly recommended-

  • ‘Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico’ ‌by Dr. John⁣ D. McEachran
  • ‘Saltwater Sport Fish‌ of the Gulf Field Guide’​ by‍ Dave Bosanko