Misty Grouper


Species Name

The Misty ‍Grouper, scientifically known as Hyporthodus mystacinus.

Family Name

The Misty Grouper belongs to the Serranidae family of fish which comprise the sea basses and groupers.

Conservation Status

Current Status

As per the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the Misty Grouper is classified under the ⁢”Least Concern” category.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to conserve the Misty Grouper are ⁣primarily driven by ‍the regulatory laws for commercial fishing; catch limits are set to prevent overfishing.


Length (average⁤ and range) Average: 50 cm, Range: 30-60 cm
Weight (average and range) Average: 7 ‍kg, Range: 5-10 kg
Average Lifespan Approximately 10 years



Misty Groupers can be found across the Atlantic Ocean; mainly along the East Coast of the United States, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in Caribbean waters.

Migration Patterns

Despite not being migratory, these fish tend to move to warmer waters during colder months.


Water Type

Misty Groupers are saltwater fish.

Depth Range

Typically found between depths of ⁤100 to 400 meters.

Temperature⁢ Range

Prefers temperate marine climates.

When and ‍Where to See

Seasonal Patterns

Seen throughout the ​year; more active during warmer months.

Time of Day

Misty Groupers are most active⁤ during ⁤the day.

Best Fishing Locations

Top 10 Places

1. East Coast of the USA.
2. Gulf of Mexico.
3. Caribbean Sea.

General Tips

Look for reefs and rocky seabeds, their preferred‌ habitats.

How to ⁢Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures

Small fish and squid are effective baits.

Fishing ‍Techniques

Effective techniques include bottom fishing and trolling.

Best Time for Fishing

Daytime,⁢ especially during⁤ warmer months.

Identification Guide

Physical Characteristics

These are large, dark black to brown, and may have white spots. They have a robust body with a large rounded tail.


How to Cook

Can be grilled, baked, or fried.

Taste Profile

Offers a mild, sweet flavor.

Additional Information


Misty Groupers are solitary and typically stay‌ near reefs and rocks.

Predators and Threats

Known predators include larger marine carnivores and humans.

References​ and Further Reading

1. “Sea ​bass, groupers of the world” – World ⁤Sea Fishing.
2. “Marine Species Identification” – MarineBio Conservation Society.
3. “Misty​ Grouper” – FishBase.
4. “Fishing for Grouper” – FishingBooker Blog.

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