Mutton Snapper


Species: Mutton Snapper⁢ (Lutjanus analis)
Family: ​Lutjanidae​

Conservation Status

Current Status: The Mutton ‍Snapper ⁢falls into the category of ‘Least‍ Concern’ according to ‍the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, due to high fishing pressure, the populations of the species are experiencing moderate​ declines.

Conservation Efforts: There are restrictions on the ​fisheries ⁤capture size in‌ many areas and the species is also a part of various ​Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).


Stat Average Range
Length 35 cm 15-100 cm
Weight 5 kg 1-15 kg
Average Lifespan 16 ‌years Not specified


Regions/Countries: The Mutton Snapper is found in⁣ the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.

Migration Patterns: Mutton Snappers ‍do not typically migrate, ⁣but they do gather in large spawning aggregations.


Water Type: Saltwater and⁢ Brackish
Depth Range: 25 – 95 m
Temperature Range: ⁢Not specified

When and​ Where to See

Seasonal‌ Patterns:‌ Mutton Snappers spawn in the late‍ spring and early summer, and are most ⁣commonly spotted during ⁤this season.
Time of Day: They are most active during the day, especially around dawn and dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

Top 10 Places:

  1. Florida ⁣Keys, Florida, USA
  2. Abaco Islands,⁤ The Bahamas
  3. Gulf of Mexico
  4. Caribbean Coast, ‌Costa Rica
  5. Northeast Reefs, Bermuda
  6. Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles
  7. Bimini, The Bahamas
  8. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
  9. Providencia Island, Colombia
  10. Bay Islands, Honduras

General Tips: Look⁣ for them ‌near reefs or rock formations where they like to hide. Be ‌sure to use heavy tackle​ and bait⁢ that mimics their natural diet like small ⁤fishes or crustaceans.

Identification Guide

The ⁣Mutton‍ Snapper⁤ is distinguished ​by ⁣its⁤ olive-green back, red sides, ⁢blue spots, and a black spot⁤ on the upper back.


Their firm, white meat is a favorite among seafood‌ lovers. It can be grilled, ​baked, or made ​into a delicious⁢ fish curry. High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, it is not only tasty but also nutritious.

Additional Information

Behavior: ⁣Mutton Snappers are⁢ solitary,⁣ active ​predators with ⁢a diet consisting mainly of⁤ fishes, cephalopods, and crustaceans. They are known to be cautious ⁣and can be challenging to catch.

Predators and ⁢Threats: Natural ⁢predators include larger pelagic fishes and ⁣sharks, their human-induced threats mainly come from overfishing for commercial and recreational purposes.

References ‌and Further Reading

Florida Museum