

Species Name and Family Name

Needlefish belong to the family Belonidae, in the order Beloniformes. These long, slender fish are aptly ⁢named for their elongated, needle-like⁢ jaws, which are filled with sharp teeth.

Conservation ⁤Status

Current Status

Most species of ‍needlefish are not currently under threat ⁣and are classified⁤ as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation ⁢of Nature⁣ (IUCN).

Conservation ‌Efforts

As many ⁤needlefish species are not currently endangered, there⁣ are minimal specific‌ conservation efforts in place. However, broader marine conservation initiatives⁢ indirectly aid in their preservation by protecting their habitats and food sources.


A breakdown of the general statistics on​ needlefish ⁤is as follows:

Length (Average, Range) 20-50 cm, ⁤up to 1.2 m
Weight (Average, Range) 1-2 kg, up to 4.5 kg
Average Lifespan Up to 8 years



Needlefish can be found in warm seas worldwide, particularly in‌ the Atlantic, ‍Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Migration Patterns

Needlefish are generally not known to undertake long ‌migrations, although they do move to different depths and areas within ⁢their range‌ depending on the time of day and season.


Water ⁤Type, Depth Range, Temperature ​Range

Needlefish generally inhabit near-surface coastal waters and ‍are‌ frequently found around estuaries and coral reefs. They are ⁢also known to enter ⁢freshwater rivers and brackish⁤ waters. ​They thrive in ‍temperatures between 24°C (75°F) and ​28°C (82°F).

When and Where to See

Seasonal Patterns, Time of Day

Needlefish can be seen throughout ⁢the year in⁤ their‍ preferred habitats, usually ​near the⁣ surface of the water. They are‌ more likely⁣ to be spotted during early morning ⁣and late‍ afternoon, ‍when they are most active.

Best ‌Fishing Locations

While needlefish ⁢can ⁣be‍ found worldwide, some exceptional fishing locations include:

  • The Florida Keys, USA
  • Baja Peninsula, ​Mexico
  • Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India
  • Maldives
  • Hawaiian⁣ Islands, USA
  • Red​ Sea, Egypt
  • Bahamas
  • Bali,⁢ Indonesia
  • Phuket, Thailand.

How ‍to Catch

Preferred Bait or Lures

Small, flashy lures that mimic the small fish and shrimps needlefish feed ⁣on work best.⁤ Live baits such​ as shrimp can ⁣also be ⁣used.

Fishing Techniques

Fly-fishing, casting, and trolling are the most viable⁢ techniques to ⁢catch needlefish.⁢ Sight fishing is​ also possible due to their tendencies to swim​ near the surface.

Identification⁢ Guide

Needlefish are identifiable by their long and ​slim body, pointed beak-like‍ jaws filled with sharp⁢ teeth, and green-blue or silver color. They can be ⁤distinguished from similar species like garfish⁤ and halfbeaks by ‌their ​rounder⁣ bodies and the absence of a lower jaw extending beyond⁢ the upper jaw.


How to Cook, Taste Profile, Nutritional Information

Needlefish can be cooked⁣ in a variety⁤ of ways, including grilling,⁤ roasting, and frying. They have a mild, sweet ​flavor and​ a low fat content, making them a healthy choice. They are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Additional Information


Needlefish are carnivorous, feeding‌ primarily on small fish and​ shrimps. They mate⁢ during‌ spring and summer, with females scattering eggs ‌that attach to⁢ seagrass or other submerged vegetation.

Predators and Threats

Predators of needlefish include larger fish like barracuda and sharks. Human activities ⁢like overfishing and pollution also ⁤pose threats.

Cultural/Historical ‍Significance

In ‌some​ parts of ⁣the world, needlefish ⁣are considered ‍a symbol of ⁢good luck. In Japan,⁢ they⁤ are⁤ used ⁣in traditional ⁣New​ Year decorations.

References and Further Reading

For in-depth study, refer to⁢ books like “Marine Fishes‌ of Tropical Australia ⁣and South-east Asia” by ⁣Gerry Allen and⁣ “Fishes of the Open ‍Ocean” by Julian Pepperell