Oceanic Whitetip Shark


The Oceanic Whitetip Shark, ​scientifically known⁤ as Carcharhinus longimanus, hails from the family Carcharhinidae. Known for its predominantly white-tipped rounded ​fins, this ⁣species is a⁤ large, pelagic shark inhabiting tropical and⁢ warm, temperate oceans.

Conservation⁢ Status

Currently, the Oceanic Whitetip Shark ‌is ‌considered “Critically Endangered” by the​ International Union for ​Conservation of Nature⁣ (IUCN). Conservation efforts ⁣are focused on limiting ⁢fishing activities in regions where⁤ the species​ is most ​commonly found and raising awareness about its dwindling numbers.

Statistics Value
Average⁢ Length 3 meters (10 feet)
Length Range 1.8-4 meters (6-13 feet)
Average Weight 167 kg (370 lbs)
Weight‍ Range 123-200 kg (271-441 lbs)
Average⁢ Lifespan 15-20 years


This species resides extensively across the​ worldwide oceans, with a tendency to stay away ‍from⁢ coastal‌ regions. Key regions include the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf​ of Mexico, around Hawaii and the⁤ eastern Pacific Ocean. Oceanic whitetip sharks are known to undertake long transoceanic ‍migrations but⁣ the patterns are ⁤not regular or clearly understood.


Oceanic Whitetip Sharks live predominantly in‌ the open sea, favoring warm, ‌deep waters. They prefer waters ranging from ⁢the surface⁣ to 152 ⁣meters deep and with a‌ temperature range​ of ​20 to 28 degrees Celsius.‍

When and Where ⁢to See

They are typically spotted during warmer months⁣ when the water’s surface temperature increases. Their movements during the day are usually dictated by the sun’s position – they are ⁣most active during dawn and​ dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

Best ‌areas to‌ find⁤ these sharks are typically offshore regions​ of‌ tropical and ⁢warm waters. Premier locations include:

  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Around Hawaii
  • Eastern Pacific Ocean

When in these regions, try chumming the‌ water to attract the shark, this species​ is known to ⁢be opportunistic.

How to Catch

Although⁣ catching them⁢ is now legal in very ​few places due to restrictions, they are ⁣relatively easy to catch if permitted.‌ Bait preferences lean towards oily fish such as mackerel, and‌ fishing⁢ can be best during dawn or dusk in warmer months.

Identification ⁤Guide

The ​most striking feature of the Oceanic Whitetip Shark ⁢is its long rounded pectoral and dorsal fins which feature notable white tips. Its body is predominantly grey-brown‌ and the underbelly ​is usually light. It differs from similar species due to these traits ⁢and‌ its habit ‌of⁣ living offshore.‍


The Oceanic Whitetip Shark is an opportunistic ‍predator that feeds ⁣primarily on ‌squid,⁣ stingrays, barracuda, ⁣and even sea turtles. They are solitary by nature, ⁣usually being found alone or in pairs. This shark species is known ⁣for its aggressiveness and tenacity.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include other ⁣larger⁢ shark species.⁢ The human-induced threat consists mainly of fishing for⁤ commercial purposes where it is used in shark fin soup, fishmeal, and liver oil.

References and⁢ Further ⁣Reading