

The Opaleye, also known as Girella‌ nigricans, is a fascinating creature that belongs to the ⁤family Girellidae.

Conservation Status

The ‍conservation status of the Opaleye⁣ is currently ⁤listed as ‘Least Concern’ by global​ authorities on marine species. Conservation efforts ‌are always underway to protect marine habitats and ⁢ensure populations ​of ⁣fish like ⁣the Opaleye continue to thrive.


Statistic Average Range
Length 30 cm (Adult) 10 – 61 ⁣cm
Weight 1 kg (Adult) Data not ⁤available
Average ‍Lifespan 12 years Data not available


The Opaleye can be found in the eastern Pacific ⁣Ocean, from Monterey, California to Baja, Mexico. There are no notable migration patterns for ‍this species.


Opaleye prefer rocky inshore habitats and can ⁢often ‌be found amongst kelp.⁣ They reside⁣ in a depth range of 0 – 36 meters, and can ⁢comfortably‍ withstand water temperatures between 10 and 24 degrees⁢ Celsius.

When and ⁣Where to See

Opaleye ‍can be spotted throughout the year, mainly during the day. They are most active ⁤in the early morning and late afternoon hours.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Baja, Mexico
  • Santa Monica Bay, ⁤California
  • Santa Catalina Island, California
  • Channel⁤ Islands, California

General Tips

If a specific ⁤fishing location ‍is not known, anglers can locate Opaleye by looking for kelp beds, rocky reefs, or piers⁣ in temperate coastal waters.

How to Catch

Opaleye respond‌ well to peas, green algae, or small invertebrates as bait. They can often be caught using simple hook and line methods, or by fly⁣ fishing.

Identification Guide

Opaleye can easily be identified by their elongated bodies, small mouths, and distinctively large, round, dark-colored eyes.⁢ Unlike many other fish species, the Opaleye does⁢ not have teeth. Instead, it has grinding plates to help it chew its food.


Opaleye can be quite a tasty treat ⁤when prepared properly. It’s​ flesh is‌ white, firm, and sweet, making ​it a great option for frying or grilling. As for⁣ nutritional⁣ information, Opaleye is ‍rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and minerals essential to health.

Additional Information


Opaleye are‌ herbivores that primarily feed on various forms of‍ algae, ‍as well as ⁢occasional small invertebrates. They are active swimmers and hold territories within their habitats.

Predators and ⁢Threats

Natural predators of the Opaleye include larger fish species and marine mammals, ⁤while a primary human-induced threat is overfishing.

References and Further Reading

  • FishBase: Girella nigricans
  • Outdoors: ​5​ Opaleye Facts That Will Make You a Better Angler
  • Aquarium of the Pacific: Opaleye