Pacific Cod


The Pacific Cod, scientifically⁢ known as Gadus macrocephalus, belongs to the family Gadidae. This species, ⁢also known as‌ the Grey Cod or Greyfish, is ​well known for its economic and⁣ culinary significance.

Conservation Status

The⁢ Pacific Cod is classified ‌as “Vulnerable” by the International Union​ for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).⁤ Overfishing, climate change, and habitat ⁣destruction are the primary threats to this species. Conservation efforts include implementation ⁤of stringent​ fishing regulations ⁤and habitat protective measures.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 60 cm 18 ⁤- 110 cm
Weight 6.8 kg 1-15 kg
Average Lifespan 18 years N/A


The Pacific Cod ‍is commonly‌ found throughout​ the North Pacific Ocean, particularly around ‌the coasts‍ of Japan, ​Korea, and Alaska. Typically, they migrate ⁢from shallow waters during summer to deeper waters in the winter.


Pacific ‌Cod prefer⁣ saltwater environments and are most commonly found at a depth range of 30-200 meters. They thrive in‍ temperatures between 3°C and⁣ 15°C.

When and Where to See

The Pacific Cod is known to migrate in‍ the summer, so it is typically spotted in shallow waters around this⁤ time. The best ⁢time to ​see them can be either dawn ⁤or⁤ dusk.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Gulf of Alaska, USA
  • Aleutian Islands, USA
  • Bering Sea, USA/Russia
  • Sea of Okhotsk, Russia
  • Sea of Japan, ‍Korea/Japan

Tips for Successful Fishing

If you’re unsure of the location, look for rocky or sandy bottoms ‍in cooler‍ waters as Pacific Cod often inhabit these areas.

How to Catch

Pacific Cod⁢ are known‍ to bite at herring, squid, and crab, ‌making these ideal baits. Bottom fishing and jigging are recommended tactics. The best time to fish is ⁤early morning or late evening, particularly in summer and early fall.

Identification Guide

Pacific Cod ⁣are often ash gray, with a white belly. They are recognized by their long‍ dorsal and anal fins, and a⁢ barbel or‍ whisker on the lower ⁤jaw.

Culinary ‌Profiles

Pacific​ Cod is recognized for its savory, mild taste and ⁣firm‌ texture. It is a ⁢popular ingredient in ⁤fish and chips. It ⁤is also a great source of low-fat protein, vitamins B12 ‌and B6, and‍ minerals like ‍magnesium, potassium, and selenium. ‌

Additional Information

Pacific⁣ Cod are opportunistic feeders, consuming a variety of crustaceans, ‌fish,‌ and invertebrates. Their main predators are seals, larger fish, and humans.

References and Further Reading