Pacific Sierra


The Pacific ⁣Sierra (Scomberomorus sierra), alternatively known as Pacific mackerel ⁢or Mexican sierra, ⁢belongs to the family Scombridae, which includes mackerels, tunas, and bonitos. This species is notable for its high-speed,⁤ streamlined body, and is ​highly valued by both ​commercial and sport⁣ fisheries.

Conservation Status

Although specific conservation statuses for the Pacific Sierra aren’t provided ‍by the International Union for Conservation of Nature⁤ (IUCN),⁤ the species is‌ currently regulated by regional seafood management programs that ‍implement policies such ​as​ catch limits and habitat ​protection.


Data on the Pacific Sierra’s physical attributes are presented in the table below:


Measure Average Range
Length 86 cm 70 – 112 cm
Weight 8 kg 5 – 12 kg
Average Lifespan 7 years N/A


Distribution and Migration Patterns

The Pacific Sierra is typically‍ found ‍in ⁢the ​eastern Pacific Ocean, stretching from Washington, USA to ‌Peru. They are​ more commonly found near the surface of ⁣the⁣ ocean and ⁤during the cooler months,​ they migrate to warmer ​waters.


This species thrives in marine⁢ or ⁣saltwater ⁣conditions, generally within depths of 25 meters⁣ and ⁤can ⁤tolerate a temperature range of 18 – 28°C.

When and Where to See

Witnessing Pacific Sierra is ⁣most feasible around dawn and dusk during cooler‍ months when they are more ⁣active.

Best Fishing Locations

Pacific Sierra is commonly fished in the following locations:

  1. Santa Cruz, USA
  2. Vancouver Island, Canada
  3. Gulf of California, Mexico

How to Catch

Preferred bait‍ for Pacific Sierra includes ⁤small fish and squid.⁣ Common fishing techniques comprise of trolling and casting with spoons or other artificial baits. The best time for fishing is early morning or late evening.

Identification Guide

The Pacific Sierra displays a cylindrical shape and is generally⁣ blue-green ‍on top,‌ with‌ a silvery underbelly.⁣ A distinct feature of this fish is ‌its 15 to 24 ⁢sharp, thin ventral scutes on⁤ its sides.


In the kitchen, Pacific Sierra is typically ⁣grilled ‌or stewed and has a mild,⁢ yet distinct flavor with a firm‍ and succulent texture. ‌However,​ it is necessary to ensure​ that the fish is properly cooked, as it can ⁤carry Ciguatera poisoning. Notable recipes ⁤include Grilled Sierra Fish Tacos and Sierra ⁢Fish Ceviche.

Additional Information

Pacific Sierra are aggressive predators, feeding primarily on small fish. They have a ⁣unique reproductive cycle with females ⁤releasing eggs into the​ water​ which are then fertilized by males.

References and⁤ Further Reading

For more information on the Pacific Sierra, consider the following resources:

1. [Fishbase](
2. [Florida Museum](
3. [Scombridae](