Pacific Spotted Scorpionfish


The Pacific spotted scorpionfish, scientifically known as Scorpaena mystes, belongs to the Scorpaenidae family. This species is also commonly known as the reef ⁤scorpionfish.

Conservation Status

The Pacific spotted ⁢scorpionfish is listed as ‌”Least Concern”​ on the Global Conservation⁤ Status scale. This is due to the large population and​ widespread distribution, with no immediate threats, pointing towards the species being well-preserved at ‍present.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 20 cm 5-40 cm
Weight 5 lb 1-7 lb
Average Lifespan N/A N/A


Pacific spotted scorpionfish⁤ are found in the coastal waters of the western Atlantic ⁤Ocean, ⁤from North Carolina to Florida in the U.S., the ⁤Gulf of Mexico, ⁣as well as the ⁢Bahamas and the Caribbean. While the Pacific spotted⁢ scorpionfish does not migrate seasonally, they are known to move around within their ranges ‍in ⁣response to environmental ⁢conditions.


Preferring​ benthic environments, the⁤ Pacific‍ spotted scorpionfish inhabits a depth range from 1 to 200 meters. They are mostly found in tropical waters with⁢ temperatures ⁣of ⁣around 72-78°F.

When and Where to See

Pacific ⁢spotted scorpionfish can ‍be⁣ seen throughout the year. ⁣The best times to spot them are⁣ during the early morning or late evening⁣ as⁣ they are more active ⁢during these times.

Best Fishing Locations ⁤And General Tips

Pacific ‍spotted scorpionfish often inhabit rocky reefs⁤ and bottom structures in warm, muddy ‌or sand-covered ​areas. This species is commonly found in waters off Pacific Islands like:

  1. San Juan Islands, Washington
  2. Channel Islands,⁣ California
  3. Gulf of California,‌ Mexico
  4. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
  5. Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico

How ⁤to Catch

Preferred bait or lures for Pacific spotted scorpionfish include small ‍fish and shrimp. Fishing techniques commonly used include⁤ bottom fishing⁢ and fly fishing.

Identification Guide

The Pacific ‍spotted scorpionfish is characterized by a reddish-brown color with​ dark, ‌irregular spots. It⁤ has a ‌well-developed dorsal fin with long​ venomous spines,​ a feature typical of the​ Scorpaenidae‍ family.⁣


Pacific​ spotted scorpionfish is edible, and is celebrated for its mild, sweet flavor and firm, white ‍flesh. ⁣It should be prepared with care due to its venomous spines and is often⁤ used‍ in seafood soups and stews.

Additional⁢ Information

Pacific spotted scorpionfish are ambush predators, typically feeding on small fish and ⁣crustaceans. The main threat to this⁤ species⁣ is human activity, specifically commercial fishing and habitat degradation ‌due to pollution and climate change.

References and⁢ Further Reading

  • FishBase ​- Pacific Spotted Scorpionfish
  • Florida ⁣Museum ‌- Pacific Spotted Scorpionfish