Pearl Perch


Pearl Perch, scientifically known as⁤ Glaucosoma scapulare, belongs to Glaucosomatidae family. This species is widely valued for its taste and is popular among both ⁤commercial ⁣and recreational ⁢fishing communities.

Conservation Status

Currently, the conservation status of Pearl​ Perch is listed as ‘Least ​Concern’. This is due ⁣to their widespread distribution and ‍relatively stable population ⁤size. Active conservation efforts are ⁣in place in several regions to maintain⁣ healthy ⁢population levels and protect their natural habitats.


Parameter Average Range
Length 70 cm 50-100 cm
Weight 5 kg 1-10 kg
Average Lifespan 12 years


Pearl Perch are predominantly found⁤ along ‌the east coast of Australia, from southern Queensland to Eastern Victoria. They are known to migrate offshore to deeper waters during colder months.


Preferring warmer waters, Pearl Perch inhabit depths from⁤ 30 to 90 meters. They are ‌often ⁣found in reef environments with water temperatures ranging from 20 to 26 degrees ‍Celsius.

When and Where to See

Pearl Perch can be observed in greater numbers during the summer months. ‌Early morning and late ⁢afternoon⁣ are usually the best times of ‌day to spot them.

Best Fishing Locations

Top Locations

  1. Wide Bay, Queensland
  2. Gold Coast, Queensland
  3. Sydney Offshore, New South ‌Wales
  4. Port Phillip, Victoria

General Tips

To find Pearl Perch, look ⁣for hard and rocky bottoms, preferably near reefs. Listening to local fishing reports ‍and consulting with local fishermen can​ provide insights into their current locations.

How to Catch

Pearl Perch are most attracted to live baits such as squid and pilchards,‍ but are known⁤ to take lures as well. Bottom fishing is the most effective method. Fishing is best during times of high tide, ⁣particularly in the​ early morning and late afternoon.

Identification Guide

Pearl Perch bear a silver-grey body with a slight golden or pearly sheen, hence the name. They are noted for their large mouth and long, ‌pointed pectoral fins.

Culinary Use

Pearl Perch has a mild, sweet flavor and firm texture, making it ideal for grilling, pan-searing or oven-baking.‌ It‌ is a good source of​ lean​ protein and Omega-3 fats. Various recipes are available online, catering to a wide range of preferences.

Additional Information

Pearl Perch are predatory and feed mainly on other fish and crustaceans.⁣ Human-induced threats include overfishing and habitat destruction due to coastal development. Historically, Pearl Perch have been important to local communities, featured in folklore as ​a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

References and ⁢Further ⁤Reading

  1. Aussie Ponds & Aquariums
  2. Department⁣ of ​Agriculture and Fisheries,⁢ Queensland
  3. Australian Government, Fisheries