Petrale Sole


The Petrale Sole (Eopsetta jordani) ⁣is a species of righteye flounder within the Pleuronectidae family.

Conservation Status

According to the National Marine Fisheries Service’s status review, the Petrale Sole ⁤is not in danger of extinction. No information has been found regarding ‌specific conservation efforts ⁢for this ‌species.


Statistics Average Range
Length 35 cm 20-60 cm
Weight 0.9 kg 0.7-1.1 kg
Average Lifespan 16 years Data not ‌found


Petrale Sole‌ are distributed along the Pacific coast of North America from Baja California to ​the Bering Sea. They do not⁣ have specific migration patterns.


Petrale⁢ Sole are​ found​ in both shallow and deep waters (up to 550 meters). They prefer sandy or muddy bottoms. The species can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures.

When⁤ and‌ Where to See

Petrale Sole ​are more abundant during the winter⁣ months. They can typically be found during the day on the sea bottom.

Best Fishing‌ Locations

Some of the top fishing locations for Petrale Sole include:

  • Halibut Bank, Strait of Georgia, ⁤British Columbia
  • Bodega​ Bay, California
  • Fishing grounds off Washington and Oregon

To find Petrale Sole, look for areas with sandy or ⁢muddy bottoms.

How to Catch

Petrale Sole respond well to both⁣ baits and lures. Popular techniques include bottom​ fishing and trolling.⁣ The⁤ best fishing times are during the winter months.

Identification Guide

Petrale Sole are characterized by their eyeless left side ​and eyed right ⁣side, with a slightly rounded body shape. They are light⁤ to dark brown on their blind side and olive‌ brown on their​ ocular side. They can be distinguished from‍ other ⁢species by the absence of ⁣body spots.


Petrale Sole has a mild, sweet flavor and a ⁢firm texture. It is⁣ low in fat and high in protein. Common cooking‍ methods include⁣ grilling, baking, and sautéing.

Additional⁢ Information

Petrale Sole feed on a diet ⁤of ​shrimp, octopus, and small fish. Their primary predators are larger fish‍ and marine mammals. The species has been historically important ⁣to commercial ‍fisheries on the U.S. west coast.

References and Further Reading