

The Pilotfish (Naucrates⁣ ductor) ‍is a fascinating species in the⁣ Carangidae family. ⁢Known‍ for their stripey appearance and robust‍ nature, these⁤ fish‌ has attracted the attention of ‍both recreational‍ fishers ⁢and researchers around the world.

Conservation Status

According ⁣to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Pilotfish is currently ⁢listed as “Least⁤ Concern”, meaning that‍ at present, there are no significant threats to its ‍survival. Various conservation ​methods like regulated fishing and habitat preservation are carried out to ‍ensure this fish species survival for ⁢future generations.⁢


Feature Average Range
Length 30 cm 15-50 cm
Weight 1-2 kg 0.5-3‍ kg
Lifespan 5-10 years N/A


Pilotfish are distributed widely and‌ can be found in regions such as the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea,‍ Indian Ocean,‌ and ⁣the western Pacific Ocean.


The Pilotfish can be found in all types of waters ‌ranging from brackish to marine. They prefer a depth range from near the surface to about 200 meters. They are also known to thrive‌ in temperature ranges of 10-25°C.

When and Where to See

Pilotfish are readily visible during ‍warmer months, particularly from late⁢ spring through ​early fall. They are most ⁣active during the day.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Florida, USA
  2. Hawaii,⁢ USA
  3. Queensland, Australia
  4. Andalusian Coast, Spain
  5. Gulf of Mexico, Mexico
  6. Caribbean Sea, Various​ Countries
  7. Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
  8. Mediterranean Sea, Europe
  9. Canary Islands, Spain
  10. New‍ South Wales, Australia

How to Catch

Pilotfish are generally caught using bait such as small fishes or lures. Techniques used include trolling and angling,⁤ with the best time to catch them being in the late summer months when they are most‍ active.

Identification Guide

The Pilotfish are easily ‌recognized by⁢ their elongate shape and distinct colorings. They are generally silver-gray ‌with 5-7 dark ⁣bars⁤ on each side. Comparatively, they⁢ have a more pointed snout compared to other fish in the Carangidae family.


Pilotfish have a mild, delicate flavor and a white, ⁤finely flaked texture. They are best cooked grilled or pan-fried. For nutritional information, Pilotfish are high in⁢ protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

Pilotfish have a unique behavior of following larger fish, hence their name. They feed‍ mainly on small squids, crustaceans, and mollusks. Predators include marine ⁣mammals, seabirds,‍ and larger fish. The Pilotfish has no ‌major cultural or⁢ historical significance.

References and Further Reading