

The⁤ Pinfish, scientifically known as Lagodon rhomboides, belongs to the family Sparidae. Known for⁤ their distinctive silver bodies with yellow and green tones, these small to medium-sized fish⁤ are common inclusions in saltwater ⁢aquariums.

Conservation ⁣Status

Pinfish are not currently ‍endangered or listed under any particular conservation status. Regular monitoring is carried out to ensure ‌healthy‍ populations.


Statistical Category Average Range
Length 4-7 inches 3-8 inches
Weight 0.5 pounds 0.3-1​ pound
Average lifespan 7 years 5-10 years


Pinfish​ are ⁤widely distributed across ⁤the⁣ Atlantic Ocean, especially ⁢in the south eastern US, Caribbean, and Gulf⁣ of Mexico.⁢ No significant migratory patterns have ​been noted.


  • Water type: Saltwater
  • Depth range: Normally found at ‍depths of 50 feet or less
  • Temperature range: They​ thrive in temperatures between 70°F – 85°F

When ⁢and​ Where ​to See

Pinfish are year-round ⁢residents ‌of their habitats but are more⁢ active‌ during the warmer months, especially ⁤the summer. They are mostly ⁤active during the ‍day.

Best Fishing Locations

Production of pinfish‌ is especially abundant in ⁣the Gulf of Mexico. Below are ⁢the ‌best locations for finding pinfish:

  • Tampa Bay, ⁤Florida
  • Galveston Bay, Texas
  • Mobile ‍Bay, Alabama
  • Pensacola Bay, ‍Florida
  • Chesapeake Bay, Virginia

Overall, ‌by⁤ targeting vegetated areas and⁢ utilizing crab, shrimp, or cut bait, pinfish can ⁢be found in a variety⁢ of locations.

How to Catch

  • Preferred bait ‌or ​lures: Cut bait, shrimp,⁢ or small crabs
  • Fishing techniques: Bottom fishing, casting, ⁢still fishing
  • Best‌ time​ of day ⁢or season ⁤for fishing: Daytime during summer and warmer months

Identification ⁣Guide

Pinfish‌ are recognizable by their silver bodies adorned ​with yellow‍ and⁣ green spots, and ​diagonal, ‍blue stripes on ‍their‌ heads. They ‍have spiny dorsal fins which ​give them their name.


Pinfish are considered a top bait fish but also make​ a great meal. When cooked, pinfish offer a mild, ​sweet flavor. For nutritional information, ⁢pinfish are‌ low-fat sources of protein. Popular recipes include ⁣grilled​ pinfish and pinfish chowder.

Additional Information

Pinfish‍ behavior involves‍ schooling in both intra- and interspecies groups. Their main predators include larger fish​ species and birds. Overfishing is a human-induced threat.​ No notable historical or cultural significance observed.

References and Further Reading

  • – Lagodon rhomboides
  • MyFWC – Pinfish
  • The Online Field Guide – Pinfish