

The Queenfish, scientifically referred to ⁤as Scomberoides commersonnianus, is a captivating marine species that primarily belongs to⁢ the family ​ Carangidae.

Conservation Status

Currently, the Queenfish is classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List due to⁢ its widespread distribution and no apparent major threats.​ There are no special ⁢conservation efforts towards​ this species, ⁤though general⁢ marine conservation habitats may include its ⁢protection‍ as an indirect objective.


Length (Average) 50 cm
Length (Range) 35 – 90 cm
Weight (Average) 2 kg
Weight (Range) 1 – 7 kg
Average Lifespan 15 years

Distribution ⁣and Habitat


  • Indian‍ Ocean
  • Australian waters

Migration ‌Patterns

Generally, the Queenfish ⁣is a ⁢migratory species that moves to different ⁣areas depending on⁣ the availability ​of food‌ resources.

Water Type

The Queenfish inhabits saltwater environments.

Depth and Temperature Range

The Queenfish can⁢ be found ‍in depths ⁤of 5 – 20 meters ⁣and prefers warmer tropical waters.

When and Where to See

Seasonal Patterns‍

In the Australian waters, the⁢ Queenfish‌ is⁢ more prominently observed during summer months.

Time of Day

Primarily nocturnal, the Queenfish feeds mostly ⁢during dusk​ and dawn.

Best Fishing⁣ Locations‍ and Tips

  • Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  • Northern Territory, Australia
  • Exmouth,⁢ Australia
  • Bay of Bengal, India

To find the Queenfish species, look in areas around rocky reefs, sandy bottoms, and near river mouths ⁢and ‌estuaries during‍ dawn or⁢ dusk.

How to Catch

Light tackle beach fishing is the preferred⁢ method to ‌catch Queenfish, commonly with live baits like small fish‌ or crabs. The best fishing time is⁤ typically during dawn or dusk.

Identification Guide

The Queenfish‌ is a silver-blue color with ‍a ⁣whitish abdomen and becomes​ darker ‍towards the back. They have ​very large eyes, and⁢ their ​body⁢ shape ⁣is elongated ‍and compressed.

Culinary Notes

How ‍to Cook

Queenfish are generally‍ cooked as fillets.‍ They can be baked,⁤ steamed, or grilled.​

Taste Profile

They have a rich flavor with a meaty⁣ texture.

Nutritional Information

Queenfish is a good source of protein, low in fat and high in omega-3⁢ fatty acids.

Additional Information


The ​Queenfish is⁢ primarily a nocturnal creature who ⁣feeds on small fish and crustaceans.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators include larger fish and shark species. Human-induced threats ⁢include overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution.

Cultural/Historical Significance

The‌ Queenfish ‍holds cultural​ importance for indigenous communities in Northern Australia where it is ‍a staple food source.

References and Further Reading