Queensland Groper (Giant Grouper)


The Queensland Groper, scientifically known‍ as ⁢Epinephelus lanceolatus, is part of the Serranidae family. ⁣This gigantic fish is also‌ commonly⁢ known as the Giant Grouper owing to​ its enormous size.

Conservation Status

The Queensland‍ Groper is currently classified as ‘Vulnerable’ according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation ⁤efforts are in place to protect this species.

Conservation Efforts

The Queensland Groper is protected under the‌ Fisheries Act 1994 (Queensland) ⁤and it ⁣is illegal to take, harm or​ kill ⁣them in Queensland‌ waters. Aquaculture and breeding programs have also been initiated to boost​ their population numbers.


Length⁢ (Average) Length (Range) Weight (Average) Weight (Range) Average Lifespan
3.3 meters 1 – 4.3 meters 360 kg 100 – 400 kg up to 50 years


The Queensland ⁣Groper is found in the Indo-Pacific region, including the eastern coast of Australia, ⁢particularly Northern Queensland.


These giant fish typically inhabit warm, saltwater bodies and are often found in coastal waters, reefs, and estuaries. Their depth range is usually 2 to 100 meters, and ‍they ⁤prefer temperatures between 23 and 30 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to ‌See

Queensland Gropers​ can be spotted ⁤year-round but are more commonly visible during warmer months. They are most active ‍during the‍ day.

Best Fishing Locations

Top Places

1. Great ⁢Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
2. Scott Reef, Western Australia
3. Rowley Shoals, Western ⁤Australia
4. Coral Bay, Western Australia

General Tips

Look for rocky inshore reefs‌ or piers where Gropers are known to hang around. ‍If you’re visiting a new location, consult ⁤with local fishing services ‍for advice.

How to​ Catch

Note: Fishing is generally not recommended‍ due ‍to conservation ⁣status. However, if you’re out to catch a ⁣glimpse of this magnificent​ fish, use a ⁤strong, heavy-duty tackle as⁤ these are very large ⁢and powerful fish.

Identification Guide

Queensland Groper is easily recognizable with⁤ a large body, big mouth, and rounded tail. They have a​ bright blue, green, or grey body ​with‌ irregular yellow spots.

Additional Information

This species is‍ solitary and territorial. The largest recorded Queensland ⁤Groper weighed 399 kg, caught ⁢at Entrance Island, Western Australia.

References and Further Reading

Please note: ‌ Always open these links in new tabs.

1. Wikipedia – Giant Grouper
2. ⁤ fish.gov.au – Giant Grouper
3. Queensland Museum – Giant Grouper