Red Hake


Species Name

The Red Hake, scientifically named ⁤Urophycis chuss, belongs to the Gadidae family and is also commonly‌ known as the squirrel hake or ling.

Conservation Status

According to NOAA Fisheries, the Red Hake is not currently listed under any ‌status of concern. However, monitoring of the species is a regular activity ⁤to ensure healthy‌ population levels.


Size & ‍Weight

Average Range
Length⁤ 40 cm 20-76​ cm
Weight ‌ 1.2 kg 0.5-2.9 kg​

Average Lifespan

Red Hake typically live up to 20 years.



Red Hake can be found ⁣primarily in the western Atlantic Ocean, off the‍ North⁢ American coast, from the ⁢Gulf of Maine to North Carolina.

Migration Patterns

As fall approaches, Red Hake migrate from the shallow coastal ‌areas to deeper offshore waters for⁤ overwintering.


Red Hake are found both inshore⁢ and offshore in⁢ the temperate ⁣waters of the Atlantic Ocean. They are demersal and generally ⁣prefer to inhabit sandy and ‌muddy bottoms from‍ shallow coastal waters⁢ to depths of up to 550 m.

When and Where to See

They are more likely to be ‍seen during‌ spring and summer when they migrate to the shallow⁢ coastal waters.

Best‍ Fishing Locations

Top fishing locations for‌ red hake include:

  1. Nantucket Shoals, Massachusetts
  2. Long Island Sound, New York
  3. Georges Bank off Massachusetts

How to Catch

They⁤ can be caught using bait such as small mackerel or sea clams. Both trolling and bottom fishing techniques ⁣can be successful.

Identification ‍Guide

The Red Hake⁣ are distinctively reddish-brown with two dorsal fins and a slender, elongated body.


Red Hake has a mild and slightly sweet flavor. It’s commonly used in dishes such as fish tacos, fish and chips, ⁢or curries.

Nutritional Information

Per 100g
Calories ‌ 91
Protein⁢ 19g
Fat 1.2g

Additional Information


Red Hake are generally‌ nocturnal, feeding on crustaceans⁣ and smaller⁢ fish at⁤ night.

Predators and Threats

Their primary predators include larger fish like cod and⁢ some species ⁣of shark. The primary human-induced threat comes from commercial fishing.

References⁣ and Further Reading