River Carpsucker


The River Carpsucker (Carpiodes carpio) ⁢is a species belonging to the Catostomidae family.‍ Known ⁤for⁤ their⁣ long, ‍cylindrical ‌body, a small head, and a deeply⁤ curved belly, this freshwater fish is primarily found in the Midwest and Southern ⁤United States.

Conservation Status

As per the International ​Union ​for Conservation of ​Nature (IUCN), the River Carpsucker is currently classified ​as a species of⁣ “Least Concern.” The population‍ remains stable,​ maintained by natural reproduction, and no specific ​conservation efforts are targeted towards ⁤this species.


Aspect Average Range
Length 40 cm 30-50 cm
Weight 1 kg 0.8-2 kg
Life Span Up to⁤ 6 years


The ⁤River Carpsucker is distributed widely across‌ the Midwest and Southern United States, extending from the⁢ Great⁤ Lakes to the Mexican border. Migration‍ patterns are not⁤ typically observed in this ‌species, as they tend⁢ to stay⁢ within the same waterways.


River Carpsuckers favor moderately warm environments, in medium to large rivers and lakes. Unlike many‌ fish species, they prefer silty and rocky substrates instead​ of clear water.

Water Type


Depth Range

0‌ – 5 m

Temperature ‌Range

15 – 25°C (59‍ – 77°F)

When and Where to See

River Carpsuckers are typically more active during the warmer months, from late ‌Spring through Fall.​ Early⁢ morning and evening are​ the‌ most productive times of day to spot ​them, as‍ they tend‍ to lay idle during⁢ the warmest parts ​of the day.

Best Fishing Locations

While ⁢the River Carpsucker can⁣ be found in many regions across the United States, they are most prevalent in areas with larger ⁤rivers or lakes, such as the Missouri and Mississippi ⁣River basins.
Top Fishing Spots for River ​Carpsucker:
1. Missouri River
2. Mississippi River
3. Indiana’s Wabash River
4. Tennessee River
5. Lake ⁢Erie
6. Lake Michigan
7. Lake Huron
8. Lake Ontario
9. ‍Lake Superior
10. ⁣Red River ⁢of ‌the​ North

How to ‍Catch

River Carpsuckers are bottom feeders and are best caught using bottom fishing techniques with worms, shrimps, or⁢ other live baits. ‌These fish‍ can ⁤also be caught using a simple hook⁤ and line setup, as⁢ they tend not to be bait-shy.

Identification Guide

The River Carpsucker is recognizable by its ⁤silver-greyish body, ​broad head, small eyes placed high‍ on the head, and hefty body tapering to a small tail. Their ⁤mouths⁤ are subterminal⁣ and have a‍ unique “sucker-like” appearance, which ‍is ‍a defining characteristic of the Catostomidae family.


Despite‍ its somewhat off-putting name, the River Carpsucker is edible and has a unique taste comparable to​ carp. They are best cooked on a ‍grill or⁤ pan-fried, and can⁢ be used in a variety of recipes.

Additional Information

River Carpsuckers primarily feed on algae, tiny crustaceans, and insect larvae. Predators typically include larger fish ​and predatory birds.⁢ These fish have deep-rooted cultural significance amongst local inhabitants, often featuring in folklore ‌and ‍local fishing ⁤legends.

References and Further Reading

For‍ additional information on ⁤the ‌River Carpsucker, consider⁤ seeking​ out regional fishing guides,⁣ local wildlife resources, and scientific literature. Take note that sources of‌ information should be trustworthy and up-to-date to​ ensure their accuracy.