Rock Greenling


In the vast expanse of the marine world resides a fascinating and colorful species, the Rock Greenling (Hexagrammos lagocephalus). This ⁣fish is a ​member of the Hexagrammidae family, showcasing‍ a brilliantly complex pattern of coloring that ⁢makes it​ an eye-catching spectacle.

Conservation‌ Status

Despite the extensive fishing activities, the Rock Greenling remains under the category of ​’Least Concern’​ in terms of its conservation⁢ status.‍ This is ⁤due‌ to ‌its wide distribution and lack of substantial ⁣threats. However, localized pressures from recreational fishing ⁣are noteworthy, and in certain areas, these activities are monitored and regulated to ensure sustainable population levels.


The fascinating details ⁤around the Rock ⁢Greenling can be clearly‌ understood when looking at this table of statistics:

Description Value
Average Length 12-15 inches
Length Range 8-21 inches
Average Weight 1-3 lbs
Weight Range 1-4 lbs
Average Lifespan 6-10 years


Rock Greenlings inhabit a vast range in the Pacific Ocean. They can be found from⁤ the Aleutian ​Islands of Alaska down ⁤to Southern California, and westward to ⁣the Kamchatka Peninsula and Japan. They show no substantial patterns of‍ migration.


Rock Greenlings prefer⁣ marine habitats with a temperate climate. They are usually found in the subtidal⁤ zone and down to the‌ depth of around 165 feet. The water temperatures they inhabit range from 54 to 61 degrees Fahrenheit.

When and Where to See

These color-popping fish are visible throughout the ⁤year, but more commonly during the summer⁤ months. They are typically active during the day.

Best Fishing Locations

While Rock Greenlings ​can be located in⁣ many places across the Pacific, here are a ‍handful of specific fishing locations known ‍for their abundance:

  1. Juneau, Alaska
  2. Monterey Bay, California
  3. Kodiak, Alaska
  4. Sitka, Alaska
  5. Prince⁤ William Sound, Alaska
  6. Olympic Peninsula, Washington
  7. Kachemak Bay, Alaska
  8. San Juan Islands, Washington
  9. Quatsino Sound, British Columbia
  10. Bering Sea, Alaska

How to Catch

Rock Greenlings are often caught using bait like clams or shrimp, although, ⁢they can ⁣also bite on lures. They are usually caught by bottom ​fishing or​ trolling.

Identification Guide

The Rock Greenling has a long body with a complex⁢ pattern of light and dark colors. Males⁢ are typically green or blue, while females are tan or reddish. The species can be differentiated from similar species by its small head, large mouth, and a stout body compared to other greenlings.


Rock Greenling is ​valued ⁤for its mild, sweet flavor and tender texture. It can be griddled, poached, or steamed. While ⁢the species doesn’t feature heavily in traditional recipes,‌ it is well-suited for fish tacos, chowders, or simply served with a lemon butter sauce.

Additional Information

Rock Greenlings are partial to a⁢ diet of crustaceans, mollusks, and small fishes. They are also known ⁤to fall victim to larger ​fish and marine mammals. They lay their eggs in⁤ nests which ‌are then⁤ fiercely guarded‍ by the‌ male until they hatch.

References and Further Reading

For those who want to learn more about this fantastic species, consider these sources: