Round Whitefish


The Round Whitefish, scientifically known as Prosopium cylindraceum, is a species belonging to the salmon‍ family, Salmonidae. A fascinating‌ member of the coldwater fish community, they ‍are integral to the aquatic ⁣ecosystems they inhabit.

Conservation Status

The Round ​Whitefish has been deemed as a species of “Least⁤ Concern” by conservation bodies. Efforts to maintain healthy populations include ⁣preservation of their habitats and the monitoring of water ⁣pollution levels.


Attribute Average Range
Length 30 cm 20 – 40 cm
Weight 1 kg 0.5 – 1.5 kg
Life Span 10​ years


Round Whitefish are mostly found in the Northern parts of North ⁣America. They don’t known‌ to migrate; instead they exhibit site⁢ fidelity, tending to stick to one area.


The Round Whitefish thrive in freshwater habitats, particularly deep, cold lakes and⁢ slow-moving rivers. They prefer⁣ neutral to slightly alkaline ⁣water and a temperature range of 1°C to 16°C.

When and Where to See

You can ‌observe Round ⁢Whitefish year-round, although they ‍move to lower ⁣depths⁢ during warmer months. Dawn and dusk are the best times for sighting, as they feed ‍primarily‌ during these hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the top ‍locations to catch Round‌ Whitefish​ include:

  1. Lake Superior, USA/Canada
  2. Great Slave Lake, Canada
  3. Whitefish Lake, USA
  4. Lake Michigan, USA
  5. Lake Huron, ⁣USA/Canada

How to Catch

Round Whitefish respond‍ well to a ⁢variety of bait, including worms, small minnows, ⁣and insect larvae. Fly fishing and ⁣bottom fishing are the most⁢ effective techniques. Winter, particularly‍ early morning or late evening when they are feeding, is the ⁢best time for fishing.

Identification Guide

Round Whitefish ‌are silver to olive-green in color,⁢ with a rounder body shape and a small, snout-like mouth. Their lack of large spots distinguishes them from​ similar species like the ​Lake Whitefish.


They⁣ offer a sweet,⁤ delicate flavor and flaky texture. Nutritional information includes high protein content and Omega-3 fatty acids. As ‌for cooking, grilling ⁣and smoking are popular methods, giving the ‌fish a distinctive, ‍rich flavor.

Additional Information

These fish are bottom-feeders, feeding primarily on small invertebrates and fish eggs. Predators ‌include larger fish and human anglers.⁣ They are of cultural ​significance‌ to many indigenous communities, being a traditional staple‌ in ​many diets.

References ⁢and Further Reading

  • Scott, W.B., and E.J. Crossman. 1973. ‌Freshwater fishes⁣ of Canada. Bulletin 184. Fisheries‍ Research Board of⁢ Canada, Ottawa.
  • Morrow, James E. 1980. The ⁤freshwater fishes of Alaska. University ‍of. B.C. Animal Resources Ecology​ Library. 248p.

Note: Always consult relevant⁣ fishing regulations and ⁢guidelines in your area before fishing.