

The Rudd, scientifically known as Scardinius erythrophthalmus, is a popular freshwater species belonging to the Cyprinidae ⁣family.

Conservation Status

Currently, the Rudd is listed as being of “Least Concern” ‍on ‍the⁤ conservation list, with no ⁣significant threats that could endanger the species. ​Various conservation ‍efforts‌ have been carried out to⁤ preserve the biodiversity of⁢ waters where Rudds inhabit, mainly focusing on water quality management and prevention of​ invasive species introduction.‌


Average Range
Length 20 cm 10 -⁤ 35‌ cm
Weight 1 kg 0.5​ – 2 kg
Lifespan 17 years

Other statistics of interest include the Rudd’s age at maturity, which is typically 2 – 3 years,​ and the number of eggs laid by females, ⁣reaching up to 200,000.


Rudds are typically found throughout Northern and⁣ Central Europe,‍ with ​particular​ concentration‍ in the UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.​ Rudd is a non-migratory species ​and tends​ to stay in the same location throughout its life.


Rudds‍ are freshwater fish ‌that prefer ⁣slow-moving⁤ or still⁤ waters with rich plant⁤ life. They typically inhabit lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and streams. They are found at a variety ‌of depths, but are ⁤more common near the surface. Their preferred temperature range is 4 – 20°C.

When and Where to⁤ See

The best time of the‌ year to observe Rudds is during the spring and summer. They tend to be most active in the late ​afternoon and‍ evening hours.

Best Fishing​ Locations

Rudds‍ can be found in a range of ‌locations, although they tend⁢ to prefer ‌certain ⁣types of freshwaters. Here’s a list of ⁤top places to⁢ find them:

  1. The Broads, UK
  2. Lake Geneva, Switzerland/France
  3. Loire ‍River, France
  4. Rhine River, Germany
  5. Amsterdam Canals,⁤ Netherlands
  6. Maritsa ​River, Bulgaria
  7. Lough ⁤Corrib, Ireland
  8. Lake‍ Vuoksa, ​Russia
  9. Vistula River, Poland
  10. Lake Peipus,‍ Estonia/Russia

When‌ searching for‍ Rudds, it often helps to ​look for areas of⁢ water with plenty of ‌aquatic vegetation and ‍to ‌fish in the late afternoon‌ or evening.

How to ⁢Catch

Rudds⁤ are often caught⁢ on⁤ light⁣ tackle with maggots, worms, or bread as bait. Fly-fishing​ can also be effective. The best time to fish for Rudd is in the late afternoon or‌ evening.

Identification Guide

Rudds ​have golden scales, red eyes, and a red fin. They have a somewhat round body and ⁣a terminal-mouth that points upward, differentiating them from similar ​species‌ like the Roach.


Rudd’s meat is white, firm and possesses a mild, sweet flavor. It is often fried, baked or ⁢used in fish ⁣soups. The ⁢nutritional value is quite decent ​as it provides a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and protein.

Additional Information

Rudds eat ⁢a ‍variety of foods including aquatic plants, insects, small fish, and⁢ crustaceans.⁤ Potential threats to the Rudd population include ⁣water pollution and‍ the introduction of invasive‌ species.

References and‌ Further⁢ Reading

For more information, see the following sources:

Note: Please check and follow the current fishing regulations in your⁢ area to ensure sustainable fishing practices.