Salmon (Pink)


The Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), also known as humpback salmon, ⁢belongs to the Salmonidae family. This species is one of the ​most numerous and widely harvested species across the Pacific and Arctic regions.

Conservation Status

The Pink Salmon is currently listed ​as ‘Least Concern’ according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation⁤ efforts ⁤primarily aim​ to maintain healthy population levels through regulated fishing ‌and the protection of spawning habitats.


Feature Average Range
Length 24 to 30 inches 18 ⁤to 38 inches
Weight 3.3 to 4.4 lbs 1.1 to 12 lbs
Average Lifespan 2years


The Pink Salmon is found in abundance across Pacific and Arctic ocean waters including the coastal areas of Japan,⁣ Siberia, ⁢Alaska, and Canada. They have specific migration patterns where they return to their natal river to spawn,⁣ also known as natal⁣ homing.


Pink Salmon primarily inhabit cold,‌ fresh water. They prefer depths of 5 to 10 meters and are able to⁤ tolerate a wide range ‌of temperatures, although thee optimal temperature range for survival is from ‌5°C to⁢ 14°C.

When and Where to See

The best⁢ time to see Pink Salmon is during their spawning season, which takes place every odd-numbered year in most regions from July to early September. The⁢ peak time of day to see them is in the late afternoon and evening.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Puget Sound, Washington, ⁢USA
  2. Bristol Bay, Alaska, USA
  3. Frasier River, British Columbia, Canada
  4. Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
  5. Sakhalin Island, Russia
  6. Hokkaido, Japan
  7. Pacific Coastal Regions, South Korea
  8. Kodiak Island, Alaska, ​USA
  9. Kenai River, Alaska, USA
  10. Prince William Sound, Alaska, ⁤USA

How to Catch

Pink ​Salmon are often caught using light tackle, fly fishing methods, and trolling. They respond well to a variety of baits and lures including herring, squid, and shrimp-like flies.

Identification Guide

Pink Salmon are uniquely identifiable due to their light, silver-blue color and large black spots on the back ​and tail fin. They also have a characteristic hump on their back, ⁢for which they are‍ also known as humpback salmon.


Pink Salmon are ⁢a rich source of‌ proteins, omega-3⁢ fatty acids, and vitamins. They have a mild, delicate flavor and can ‍be prepared using various cooking methods including grilling, broiling, and baking.⁣


Pink Salmon are the smallest, most abundantly returning species under the Oncorhynchus genus. They feed⁤ primarily on zooplankton, small fish, and squid. Pink Salmon are also known for their ⁢spectacular leaps out of water while migrating upstream.

Additional Information

Natural predators for the Pink Salmon include birds, seals, bears, and ⁢larger fish species. They also face threats from overfishing and habitat destruction due to human activities.

References and Further Reading

Please refer to the following sources​ for more information: