Scamp Grouper


The Scamp Grouper, scientifically⁤ known as ​Mycteroperca phenax, is a species‍ of fish from the family Serranidae, commonly ⁣found in the subtropical‍ areas of the western Atlantic Ocean.

Conservation Status

The Scamp‍ Grouper has been categorized⁣ as​ a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ​(IUCN). Despite being a popular target for recreational fisheries, the general population of Scamp Groupers is considered stable.


Statistic Average Range
Length 43 cm 30 cm – 107 cm
Weight 10 kg 3 kg‍ – 16 kg
Average Lifespan 9​ – ⁣11 years


Scamp Groupers are native to the western Atlantic Ocean, with their ‌geographical range extending from North Carolina southwards to the southern tip of Florida and ‍the​ Gulf​ of Mexico, ⁣continuing further south through the Caribbean Sea and ​along the shores of Brazil. There is no data on the migration patterns of this species.


Scamp Groupers prefer warmer, ⁢subtropical waters. They are depth-oriented ⁤species, typically‌ found ⁣between 20 to 200 meters. ⁣They ‌are often reported ​around coral reefs, rocks,​ and ledges.

When and⁢ Where to See

This species is more commonly sighted during the warmer months, from late spring through‌ early fall. They ‌are often more active during the day, especially during high tides.

Best Fishing ‌Locations

  • Gulf⁤ of Mexico
  • Florida Keys
  • South Carolina coast
  • North Carolina coast
  • Bahamas
  • Yucatan Peninsula
  • Brazilian coast

How ‌to Catch

Scamp Groupers respond well to live ⁢bait, with‍ mullet, squid, and crustaceans being popular choices. They also respond to artificial lures. ​Techniques such as bottom fishing near rocks, coral⁣ reefs or ledges have proven successful.⁤

Identification Guide

Scamp Groupers showcase a pale to dark brown body, decorated with aerodynamic black spots and streaks. ‍They have a body shape that is elongated, their dorsal fins ⁢contain dark, venomous spines whilst the tail⁤ is square-shaped and occasionally lunate. ​

Culinary Information

Scamp Grouper meat is ⁢succulent, mild-flavored, and has a low-fat content. It can be ⁢grilled, baked, or fried.

Nutritional ⁤Information (per 100g):

  • Calories: 92
  • Protein: 19g
  • Fat: 1.2g
  • Omegas: 252mg

Additional Information

Scamp Groupers display ‍a solitary behavior, they are ambush predators who ⁣feed ‌on ⁤small fish and crustaceans.⁤ They reproduce by spawning, where females ‌release eggs into​ the⁢ open water to be fertilized externally.

Their main predators⁣ are larger fish and humans, with overfishing being a significant threat to ​their‌ population. However, as mentioned earlier,⁢ their numbers are stable and ​not of significant concern.

References⁢ and Further Reading

For additional information on ⁢the Scamp Grouper, consider examining the following sources:

  • FishBase
  • Florida​ Fish​ and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Grouper Moon Project ‌- Florida Museum