Seabass (Black)


Commonly known​ as the⁤ Seabass, ⁣its‍ scientific‍ name is Dicentrarchus labrax which ​is part⁢ of the Moronidae family.

Conservation Status

Current status

The Seabass (Black) is listed as‍ ‘Least Concern’ ‍on the Global Species Database, indicating it is not currently‌ threatened⁢ or endangered.

Conservation efforts

There are no specific conservation efforts targeted at the Seabass. However, it benefits from general marine conservation ⁣initiatives.


Length (Average) 70 cm
Length (Range) 40 – 100 cm
Weight (Average) 5 kg
Weight​ (Range) 2 – 15⁤ kg
Average Lifespan 15 years



The Seabass is ‌commonly found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean⁤ Sea, and the Black Sea.

Migration patterns

The Seabass typically migrates ⁣towards coastal waters during the summer​ and returns to deeper‍ waters during the winter.


Water type

This species prefers salty and brackish waters.

Depth range

The Seabass is usually found in ⁣waters up to⁤ 100 meters deep.

Temperature range

It thrives in⁤ a‍ temperature range of 8 – ‍24⁤ degrees Celsius.

When ‌and Where to See

Seasonal patterns

The Seabass is most ‍active during the summer, in coastal areas.

Time of day

Seabass are most active during early morning and⁢ late evening.

Best Fishing Locations

Top 10 ‍Places

  1. The English Channel, England
  2. Bay‌ of Biscay, France
  3. Bass Strait, Australia
  4. Thames Estuary,⁣ England
  5. Plymouth Sound, England
  6. Cardigan Bay, Wales
  7. Isle ⁢of Wight, England
  8. Lyme Bay, England
  9. Anglesey, ‌Wales
  10. Adriatic Sea, Italy

How to ⁢Catch

Preferred bait or ‌lures

Lugworms, ⁣peeler‍ crabs, and mackerel ⁤strips are known‍ to be effective bait for catching Seabass.

Fishing ⁣techniques

Fly fishing, trolling, and bottom fishing are commonly used techniques.

Identification Guide

The Seabass is distinguished by its silver-grey body, relatively large scales, and a prominent black spot on each shoulder at the start of the lateral line.


How to Cook

Seabass can be grilled, poached, baked or fried, but is particularly ⁢popular for barbecue due to⁢ its robust flavor and firm texture.

Taste Profile

Seabass is known for its rich, sweet, and⁣ buttery flavors.

Nutritional Information

Seabass is⁣ a good source of ​lean protein, Omega-3 fatty acids, ​and⁢ is low in fat.


Seabass are known for their shyness and the‍ older ones are ⁣typically solitary while younger ones prefer to​ swim in‍ schools.

Predators and ‍Threats

The ⁤principal predators of the Seabass are larger fish species, marine mammals, and birds.

Cultural / Historical Significance

In some cultures, ⁣Seabass is associated with fertility and abundance due to its fast growth and prolific breeding.

References and Further Reading