Shark (Blacktip)


The Blacktip Shark, scientifically known as Carcharhinus limbatus, belongs to the family of Carcharhinidae, colloquially⁣ known⁤ as ‘requiem sharks’. These are types of Sharks known​ for their ​aggressive ⁢and gregarious (group) behavior.

Conservation⁤ Status

The International ⁢Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists Blacktip Sharks as “Near Threatened.” This classification is due to their ‍vulnerability to overfishing, both as⁢ target and bycatch.

Conservation efforts⁢ include restrictions⁤ on the ⁣use of longlines and ⁤certain types of nets in some ⁣areas to reduce bycatch.​ Some countries‍ have also​ established‌ size​ and bag ‌limits‌ on recreational catches to⁢ help protect the⁤ population.


Length (Average) 1.5m
Length ⁣(Range) 1.2 ⁢- 2m
Weight ⁤(Average) 18kg
Weight (Range) 10 – 30kg
Average Lifespan 10-12 years


Blacktip Sharks can be found⁢ globally in warm coastal waters. They’re particularly common around​ Florida and Bahamas,⁤ the⁣ Mediterranean, off the​ east coast of Africa, and northern Australia.

While not migratory, Blacktip Sharks are known to move towards warmer, inshore waters during colder months.


Blacktip Sharks ‌inhabit warm, shallow water⁤ bodies. They are typically found in depths less than 30m.
They do well in ⁢water temperatures ⁢above 20ºC and generally thrive⁢ in​ both brackish and marine environments.

When ⁣and ⁣Where to See

Blacktip Sharks are most commonly spotted during the ⁤warmer months. Dusk and dawn are the peak activity‍ times for these creatures.

Best Fishing ⁢Locations

While they can be found globally, the most common‍ fishing spots include the⁢ United⁢ States ⁢East Coast, particularly Florida, and areas around the Bahamas.
Top tips for locating⁤ Blacktip Sharks:

-⁤ Focus on warm coastal waters less ⁢than 9m in ⁤depth.
– They like to swim in the ⁢surf zone, so keep an eye on the waves.
– They‍ are often spotted⁢ near river mouths and vegetated areas.

How to Catch

Blacktip Sharks respond well ⁤to live or dead bait such as squids, mullets or mackerel. Anglers can‌ use ​various fishing ‌techniques⁣ including trolling and bottom fishing, though cutting and⁤ drifting ‌bait are ⁤most effective.

Fishing is often the most successful in the early morning or‍ late evening, when the sharks are most active.

Identification Guide

Blacktip Sharks‌ have a distinctive black marking on their dorsal and​ pectoral fins and generally elongated bodies which are​ grey-brown in color. They are ⁣slim and streamlined, ⁣designed ⁣for quick bursts of speed.


Blacktip Shark meat is lean​ and mild tasting and can be‌ grilled, poached or used ​in soups. Good source of Omega ‌3 ‌fatty acids ⁢and high-quality proteins. Care should be⁢ taken to cook it thoroughly due to a ‌small risk of ⁣parasites.

Additional​ Information

The ⁢Blacktip Shark is ⁤a viviparous species with⁢ females giving birth to live young after a 10-12 month gestation period. Blacktips are social‌ creatures and quite⁤ often found in groups.

Main predators are larger shark species including the Bull Shark⁤ and Tiger ⁢Shark. Human ⁤activities like overfishing and habitat destruction ⁣are major threats.

References ⁣and Further Reading

For more information ​about Blacktip Sharks, visit the Australian Museum’s ⁤page on Blacktip⁤ Reef Sharks. Examples of further reading include “Florida Museum – Blacktip Sharks“, and “Sharks Information – Blacktip Sharks