Shark (Bonnethead)


The Bonnethead shark, also scientifically⁤ known as Sphyrna tiburo, belongs to the Sphyrnidae family. It is often known by different names like​ shovelhead, ‍bonnet shark, ⁢and bonnet nose.

Conservation Status

The Bonnethead shark currently falls under the IUCN category of ‘Least Concern’. Conservation efforts are geared towards minimizing overfishing, habitat loss, and pollution.


Length3.5 ft2-5 ft
Weight11.5​ lbs6-24 lbs
Average Lifespan12 ​years


The Bonnethead ⁣Shark is⁤ commonly found in the western Atlantic and eastern⁣ Pacific ⁣oceans, specifically along the coastlines of ⁢Brazil, Ecuador, and the United States. This species does not typically exhibit migration patterns.


Bonnethead sharks‍ are ⁣mainly seen in⁤ coastal‌ waters and estuaries. They prefer warm saltwater environments with a temperature range ‍of around 70 ⁤- 85°F. Bonnethead ‍sharks often dwell at ⁤depths ranging from surface ⁣level to about 80 feet.

When and Where to See

These sharks ⁤are ​more ⁣likely to be seen during the warmer months of the year, from late ⁣spring to early fall. They are diurnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the day.

Best Fishing Locations

Specific Locations

  • Florida Keys,⁢ USA
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Galveston Bay, Texas, USA
  • Bahia Honda State Park, Florida,‌ USA
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Bahamas

General Tips

Look for warm, shallow saltwater environments.‌ Estuaries and coastal areas in subtropical and tropical regions⁣ are often popular habitats for⁤ this species.

How to Catch

Shrimp and‌ squid make for preferred ⁤bait when fishing for bonnethead sharks. Bottom fishing techniques are most successful. The best time to‍ fish for them is during the day in the ​warmer months.

Identification Guide

Bonnethead sharks are‍ easily identifiable by their unique head ​shape, which is flattened and shovel-like. They are typically gray-brown with a lighter underside and have small teeth.

Culinary Uses

The ⁢meat of ‌the ‌bonnethead shark ⁣is highly ‍valued and has ‍a‌ mild, sweet flavor. It can be grilled, baked, or even used in soup. It is also‌ rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

Bonnethead sharks are carnivorous and primarily ‌feed on crustaceans ⁤and small‍ fish. ​They are generally docile creatures but can exhibit⁢ aggression when threatened. Natural predators include⁢ larger shark species and humans. ‍