Shark (Thresher)


The Thresher Shark, also referred to as Alopias,​ is a distinctive species of sharks belonging ⁤to the family ​Alopiidae. ‌They get their name from their unique, elongated ⁤caudal fins, which make for⁤ about half ⁤of‌ their total length and are‍ used to whip their prey.

Conservation Status

Thresher sharks are currently listed as Vulnerable on ​the International ‍Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List. Efforts for their conservation revolve around implementing stricter fishing⁤ regulations, increased monitoring of their populations and promoting awareness ​of ‍their vulnerable status.



Statistic Average Range
Length 16 feet 10-20 feet
Weight 500 lbs 200-750 lbs
Average Lifespan 20-50 years
Max. Depth Range 500 meters



These sharks are globetrotters, they inhabit the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Every year, they undergo large-scale migrations towards equatorial waters during the winter and towards polar waters in the summer.


Thresher⁣ sharks are pelagic creatures preferring warm, offshore waters. They can often be found at a depth range of 0 to 500 meters. They are comfortable in water temperatures ranging from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius.

When and Where ‍to See

Thresher sharks are most active‌ during dawn and⁣ dusk. They​ migrate to warmer equatorial waters during the winter season and⁢ to ‌cooler polar waters during summer.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the best places‍ where you can find thresher sharks⁤ include:

  1. Southern ‌California, USA
  2. Baja California, Mexico
  3. South​ Australia
  4. Japan
  5. Philippines
  6. Indonesia
  7. Sri Lanka
  8. Canada
  9. South​ Africa
  10. Italy

Fishing Tips

Look for warm, offshore waters. Thresher ⁤Sharks are often found near the surface during early mornings ​and late evenings.

How to Catch

Live or cut‍ bait such⁢ as mackerel, squid, or anchovies can be effective in attracting Thresher Sharks. Experienced anglers employ trolling or drift fishing techniques to⁤ catch them.

Identification Guide

Thresher Sharks are​ known⁢ for their large caudal ⁤fins⁤ which almost match the length of the ‌rest of their body. They have a small mouth, large⁤ eyes ⁤and a short snout. Their bodies are predominantly grey with ‌lighter underbellies.

Culinary Uses

Thresher shark meat is lean and mildly flavored. Due to its​ firm‌ texture, ‍it’s great for grilling, broiling or ​baking. Moreover, the meat is rich in protein, vitamins‍ and minerals, making it a healthy food choice.

Additional Information

Thresher sharks are known for their unique method of hunting, where they use their long tail to ⁢stun fish before eating them. Main threats to this species include overfishing⁣ and​ bycatch. ⁤

References ‍and Further Reading

“Sharks of the World” by Leonard Compagno, available on Amazon here.

The Florida Museum’s information page on Thresher Sharks can be found here.

BBC⁣ Earth’s brief documentary on the hunting‍ of Thresher Sharks can be viewed on YouTube here