Shortbelly Rockfish


The ⁣Shortbelly Rockfish, scientifically‌ known as Sebastes jordani, is part of ⁣the Scorpaenidae family. Noted ​for their short belly region, these fish are notable inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean.

Conservation Status

The ‌conservation status of the Shortbelly Rockfish is ‘Least Concern’. Efforts have been made to reduce overfishing, which has contributed to the recovery of ​their population.


Average Range
Length 25 cm 14-30 cm
Weight 0.8 kg 0.3-1.5 kg
Average Lifespan 12 years N/A


The Shortbelly Rockfish is⁢ predominantly found in the North Pacific Ocean, with concentrations along the coasts of Japan, the Korean ‍Peninsula and the‌ United States. They ‍do not participate in large-scale migration but do ⁤move ‌relative ​to changes in water temperature ⁢and​ food availability.


  • Water type: Marine/Saltwater
  • Depth range: 0-549 meters
  • Temperature range: 5-15 Celsius

When and‍ Where to⁢ See

Shortbelly Rockfish are most abundant ‍during warmer months and are active during daylight hours. They can be spotted near the surface during their ​juvenile phase, then‍ spending their adult life at deeper, cooler waters.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Monterey Bay, California, ​USA
  2. North Pacific Ocean near Japan
  3. North Pacific Ocean near Korean Peninsula

To locate them, look for areas with cooler, deeper⁤ waters especially ⁣during ⁣warm months.

How to Catch

  • Preferred bait: Small fish and crustaceans
  • Fishing techniques:‍ Trolling, bottom fishing
  • Best time: Daylight hours during ⁣warmer months

Identification Guide

Shortbelly Rockfish are identified by ‍their short belly,‍ dark blotches on the body, and silvery-pinkish‍ color. ⁣They are usually mistaken for other ​rockfish species but their unique‍ short belly sets them⁤ apart.


  • How to cook: The ​firm, ⁤mild-tasting flesh is suitable for various cooking ‍methods including grilling, broiling, ⁤and sautéing.
  • Taste Profile: Shortbelly Rockfish has a sweet, delicate flavor and medium-texture flesh.

Additional‍ Information

These ⁢species feed primarily on plankton and ‌copepods. They​ are often preyed on by⁣ other species of rockfish, lingcod, and birds. There’s no known cultural or historical ​significance relating⁣ to the Shortbelly Rockfish.

References and Further Reading

  • NOAA Fisheries – Shortbelly ​Rockfish
  • California Fish⁢ Website – Shortbelly Rockfish