The Silver Surfperch, scientifically known as Hyperprosopon ellipticum, is a member of the family Embiotocidae.
Conservation Status
Currently, the Silver Surfperch has not been evaluated for the International Conservation Status. Ongoing studies and population monitoring are aimed at ensuring the sustainability of this species.
Average | Range | |
Length | 6 in | 4-8 in |
Weight | 0.35 lb | 0.2-0.5 lb |
Average Lifespan | 6 years | 5-7 years |
Silver Surfperch are primarily found along the Pacific Coast of North America. They range from Alaska south to Baja California in Mexico. There are no identified significant migration patterns for this species.
This species thrives in marine or saltwater environments. They are typically found in shallow waters, but can descend to depths up to 150 feet. They can survive in a variety of temperature ranges, but typically prefer cooler, temperate waters.
When and Where to See
Silver Surfperch are often found near shore and are most active during the summer months. They are more prevalent during the daytime hours.
Best Fishing Locations
- Elwha River, Washington
- Fraser River, British Columbia
- Monterey Bay, California
- Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, British Columbia
- Santa Monica Pier, California
- Olympic Park, Washington
How to Catch
Silver Surfperch are omnivores and can be baited with a range of natural and artificial baits including worms, shrimp, clam necks and grubs. Typical fishing techniques for this surf-dwelling species include angling and bottom fishing.
Identification Guide
Silver Surfperch are oval-shaped with a silver gray color. They feature a dark blotch at the base of the pectoral fin, distinguishing them from similar species.
Silver Surfperch are edible and can be prepared in a variety of ways including grilling and pan frying. They have a tender white meat with a mild, sweet flavor. Some recommended dishes include lemon garlic Surfperch and pan seared Surfperch with fresh herbs.
Additional Information
Silver Surfperch typically feed on a diet of zooplankton, algae and smaller marine invertebrates. In terms of threats, they are preyed upon by larger marine predators and humans.
References and Further Reading
- Fishbase Summary: Hyperprosopon ellipticum
- California Beaches: Silver Surfperch
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Silver Surfperch