Snapper (Lane)


The Lane Snapper (lutjanus synagris) is a vibrant,⁤ saltwater fish species that belongs to‌ the family Lutjanidae.

Conservation Status

The Lane Snapper has not been evaluated yet by⁢ the ​International ⁣Union for⁤ the Conservation ⁣of Nature (IUCN), so its status remains ​undefined.


LengthWeightLife spanOther stats
38cm ⁤(Average), up to​ 60cm(Range)6.4kg (Average), up to 9kg‌ (Range)10-15 YearsN/A


The Lane Snapper is found in ⁤the western Atlantic Ocean, from North Carolina ‍(United States) south through the ⁤Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean to Brazil. They tend ⁣to remain stationary, showing no significant migration patterns.


Lane Snappers inhabit saltwater environments. They are found at a depth‌ of 10-70 meters ⁤and⁣ show a⁤ preference for ​warmer⁣ temperatures.

When and ⁢Where⁢ to See

They can be spotted throughout the⁢ year and⁣ are ​more active during the mornings and‍ evenings, just before ⁢dawn and after dusk ‌respectively.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Florida Keys, Florida
  • Galveston Bay, Texas
  • Grand Isle, Louisiana
  • Port Aransas, Texas
  • Pensacola Bay,‍ Florida
  • Gulf of⁢ Mexico
  • Atlantic coast⁤ of Brazil

When looking for Lane Snapper, aim for rocky areas or places with plenty of vegetation as they may‍ use these for cover.

⁣ How to ⁤Catch​

Lane Snapper is caught using a variety‌ of baits that⁣ include live shrimp, cut bait, and squid. The ⁤fish is a ​bottom dweller, so ‍bottom fishing is the‍ most effective method. They are​ most active during warmer seasons, making‍ that the best time for fishing.

⁤ Identification Guide

The Lane Snapper has a silvery-pink to reddish body with a greenish tint on the‍ back. It is ‌distinguished from other species by its rounded anal fin and​ the⁣ dark, ⁣lateral spot below the dorsal fin‌ which isn’t always visible in larger specimens.

Culinary Information‌

How‌ to Cook

Lane Snapper can be ​grilled, baked, ⁣or fried.⁣ They are easy to prepare and work well with various types ‌of seasonings and sauces.

Taste Profile

Lane Snapper tastes sweet with a mild flavor and a delicate, flaky texture. ⁢It is‌ a popular choice for ceviche due to its subtle​ flavor that pairs well ​with fresh, zesty ⁢ingredients.

Nutritional Information

Lane ​Snapper⁤ is low in ⁤saturated fat and is a good ‍source of Vitamin ‌D, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Phosphorus and Selenium.


Some popular⁢ recipes ​include Grilled Lane Snapper with ⁢Tropical Fruit Salsa, Pan-Seared ⁢Lane Snapper and Lane ‍Snapper Ceviche.

Additional Information


Lane snappers, like many of their Snapper family members, are nocturnal feeders, preferring​ a ⁣diet of smaller fish and ‍invertebrates.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators of the Lane Snapper include larger fish ⁤like Sharks and Barracudas.‍ Overfishing is​ their most significant ⁣human-induced threat.

Cultural Significance

In⁣ certain parts of ⁢the ​Gulf‌ of Mexico and Caribbean, the Lane Snapper plays a crucial role in local fisheries and is a⁢ vital part of the economy.

References and Further Reading