Snapper (Mangrove)


Species Name and Family

The Mangrove Snapper ‌(Lutjanus griseus), also commonly ⁢known as Grey ‍Snapper​ or ​Black Snapper, belongs⁣ to the Lutjanidae ⁣family. ⁢

Conservation Status

Current Status

Presently, according to the International Union for Conservation ⁣of Nature (IUCN), the‌ Mangrove Snapper’s conservation ⁢status is ⁢classified as⁤ “Least ​Concern.”

Conservation Efforts

Despite their stable status, it’s crucial to continue maintaining size regulations and⁣ bag limits ‌to ‌help ‍keep the Mangrove Snapper population⁢ healthy. Some conservation measures include‍ habitat restoration and ensuring that commercial and sport fishing ⁢are regulated‍ properly.


Stat Value
Average Length 14 inches (35.5 cm)
Length Range 10 -​ 18 inches (25.4 – 45.7 cm)
Average Weight 1 – 2 lbs (.45 – ⁢.90 kg)
Weight Range 1 – 16‍ lbs (.45​ – 7.25 kg)
Average Lifespan 15‌ – 25 years



You can find‌ Mangrove Snapper not only ⁢in the Atlantic American coast,⁢ from Massachusetts to ​Brazil, but‍ also ​in ⁤the Gulf of⁢ Mexico and Caribbean Sea.

Migration Patterns

These snappers do not usually migrate long distances, but younger fish do move into offshore reefs as they⁣ get older.


Water Type, Depth and Temperature Range

While adaptable‌ to a variety of water types, Mangrove Snappers are found primarily‌ in brackish⁤ and‍ salty waters. The average ‍depth range ‍is‍ between 5 – 180 meters. ‌They‌ prefer warmer water temperatures⁣ between 68 ⁤-⁤ 82°F (20 – 28°C).

When‍ And Where To See

Seasonal Patterns ‍and Time of Day

These resilient fish can be‍ seen year-round, but the best time to ⁤spot them is in the warmest months, from April⁢ to September. They are most ⁤active in the​ early‌ morning and late⁢ evening.

Best Fishing‌ Locations

Top⁣ Fishing Places

Some‍ of the best places ⁤to fish for Mangrove Snapper include:

1. Florida Keys, Florida
2. Biscayne Bay, Florida
3.‍ Galveston Bay, Texas
4. Gulf of Mexico, USA/Mexico
5. Tampa Bay, Florida
6. ⁣Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
7. Grand Isle, Louisiana
8. Aransas⁢ Pass, Texas
9. Mississippi⁣ Sound, Mississippi
10. Key Biscayne, Florida

General Tips

To​ successfully find Mangrove Snapper, look for​ structures like reefs, wrecks, and ledges, especially ⁤in brackish waters. They often gather around ⁣these areas and are more likely to bite when the water is moving due to the tide ⁣or current.

How To Catch

Preferred Bait, Fishing Techniques and Best‍ Time For Fishing

Small baitfish, shrimp, squid, and crabs make excellent bait for Mangrove Snapper. Fly fishing, bottom fishing, and spinning are​ the‌ most‌ effective ⁣techniques to catch these fish. The best time to fish is⁣ early morning or ​late evening‌ during high tide.

Identification Guide

Physical ‌Characteristics and Comparison ‍With Similar‍ Species

Mangrove Snapper are generally grayish-red with dark stripes running across their body. ​Their sharp pointed teeth are a key distinguishing feature from other ⁤Snapper species. ​The ‌easiest way to identify them is⁤ by their snout, which⁣ is noticeably larger compared to other Snappers.


How to Cook and Nutritional Information

Baked, broiled, grilled, or ‌pan-seared,⁣ Mangrove Snapper is versatile and delicious. A 3.5⁤ oz serving provides around⁢ 110 ​calories, 23g ⁢of ⁢protein, 1g of ​fat, and‌ plenty ​of ‌Omega-3 fatty acids.

Taste Profile

Mangrove Snapper has a mild, sweet flavor with firm,⁢ white flesh, making ‌it popular in many recipes.


Recipes such as “Grilled Snapper with Mango Salsa” or “Snapper Veracruz” are just a taste of what you​ can make​ with this delicious sea bass.

Additional Information


Mangrove Snappers ⁤are ambush ‍predators. They usually hide and wait for their prey, ‌rather than chasing it.

Predators and Threats

Natural predators‌ of ​the Mangrove Snapper include larger fish⁢ like Sharks and ‌Barracudas. Human-induced ⁣threats primarily come‍ from commercial and‌ sport fishing.

Cultural/Historical Significance

In some cultures, Snappers are seen as symbols of perseverance and strength due to ​their exceptional survivability and adaptability.

References and Further Reading

For further reading, check the below sources:

Florida Museum
National​ Geographic