Spinner Shark


The Spinner Shark, scientifically⁣ known as Carcharhinus brevipinna, is a fascinating species ⁢that⁢ belongs to the robust family of Carcharhinidae, commonly ‍known as requiem sharks. Named for its ⁣unique breach-and-spin⁢ hunting behavior, this species​ features a remarkably ⁢elongated, slender body to perform powerful vertical jumps out of the water, rotating​ rapidly in a spinning motion.

Conservation Status

As per the international Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), ‍the Spinner Shark is currently listed as “Near Threatened”. This‍ is attributed to its vulnerability to both commercial and recreational fishing,⁢ with its attractive⁤ fins being⁢ particularly sought after for sharkfin soup. Conservation ​efforts are geared‌ towards monitoring​ regional populations, enforcing fishing regulations, and raising public‌ awareness about the species’ plight.


Statistic Average Range
Length 2m (6.6 ft) 1m – ⁢3m (3.3 ft – 9.8 ft)
Weight 56kg (123 lbs) 20kg – 90kg (44 ‍lbs -‍ 200 lbs)
Average ‍Lifespan 15 -​ 20‍ years N/A


Spinner Sharks are predominantly​ found in⁢ the coastal pelagic ⁣zones of tropical and subtropical⁣ waters worldwide,⁣ particularly the ‍Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic​ coast‌ of Florida and Bahamas. They are known⁣ to migrate ​towards the equator during colder months⁣ and towards​ the‍ pole​ in ⁤warmer ⁢months.


Spinner Sharks are a ​marine species, preferring to⁣ inhabit⁢ warm, shallow waters. They generally live in depths of less than ⁤30 ​meters, with a demonstrated tolerance ‍of‍ temperatures ranging ‌from 60°F to ⁤80°F.

When and​ Where to See

Being a migratory species, Spinner Sharks can be seen in different regions depending on the time‌ of year. They are⁤ most prevalent in the warmer months, typically active during the day when they can be seen hunting.

Best Fishing Locations

As⁢ a globally distributed species, ‌Spinner Sharks⁢ can be found ⁤in ‍a wide variety of ‍fishing locations. Notable ​places include:

  1. Florida coastline, ⁣USA
  2. The‌ Bahamas
  3. Gulf of ⁤Mexico,⁢ USA/Mexico
  4. New South Wales,‌ Australia
  5. Western Cape,‍ South Africa
  6. Andaman⁤ Sea, Thailand

How‍ to Catch

Spinner ‌Sharks are known ‌to be attracted to ​certain types of bait such as herring, sardines, or mackerel. Trolling ‌or drift fishing are recommended techniques. The ⁤best time to catch them is ​usually in the⁤ warm waters⁢ of summer.

Identification Guide

Spinner ⁢Sharks can be identified by their slim built, pointed snout, and distinctive first dorsal fin, which is notably smaller than those of similar ‍species. They exhibit a ‌bronze-grey ​coloring on their back and sides,⁢ and ​a white underbelly.


Though not as popular as other species⁤ for culinary purposes, the Spinner Shark meat ‍is‍ lean ⁤and ⁢mildly flavorful. It needs to ⁣be carefully prepared to⁣ avoid toughness.⁣ Common dishes include grilled steaks and fish stews.

Additional Information

Spinner Sharks have a⁤ distinct‍ feeding habit known ‌as the⁤ “prey herding” where they rapidly ​swim⁣ through schools of small fish, spinning and biting randomly as they go. Their ⁢natural predators ‌are ⁣larger sharks and​ humans pose‍ significant threat due ⁤to recreational ‌and commercial fishing.

References and Further Reading

For ⁣more information, consider ​the following sources: