Spotted Wolffish


The⁤ Spotted Wolffish, scientifically known as Anarhichas minor, hails from the Anarhichadidae family. This marine creature is ⁢immensely popular among ⁢seafood lovers for ‌its delicate flesh and unique taste.

Conservation Status

This species is currently categorized as “Near Threatened” as ‍per ‌the IUCN Red List. Several conservation efforts, ⁢including the enforcement of fishing quotas‌ and the creation of marine protected areas, are underway to ensure the survival and healthy growth of‍ the Spotted Wolffish ‌populations.


Attributes Range
Length ​(Average) 140 cm
Length (Extended Range) 160 cm
Weight (Average) 15-20 kg
Weight (Extended Range) 20-25 kg
Average Lifespan 20-25 years


The Spotted⁢ Wolffish are‍ typically found in ⁣the deep, cold waters of the North Atlantic, ​including Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, and parts of Scandinavia. No specific ⁣migration patterns have been reported.


This species is tolerant of a wide‍ range of water temperatures but typically prefers⁤ colder environments. They are typically found at⁤ depths ranging from 20 to 1500⁤ m, in cold temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius.

When ‌and Where ‌to See

Spotted ​Wolffish can typically be found year-round, with a slight increase in visibility during the breeding season, which is ​mostly during late ‍autumn. These creatures are more likely to be spotted during daytime hours.

Best Fishing Locations

Here are ⁣some specific⁤ places where you can find Spotted Wolffish:

  1. North Sea, off‍ the coasts of Scandinavia and Britain
  2. Norwegian Sea
  3. Barents Sea
  4. Svalbard,⁤ Norway
  5. Labrador, Canada
  6. Newfoundland, Canada

The presence of this species ‌can often be found near rocky substrates and benthic environments near the seafloor.

How to Catch

Spotted Wolffish can be caught using various fishing methods​ including deep-sea fishing, ‌bottom trawling, and long lining. The preferred bait ​tends to be a variety of fish species and other smaller​ creatures. Prime fishing times coincide with their most ⁣active⁤ feeding periods which seem⁣ to be‍ during the day.

Identification Guide

Spotted Wolffish are‍ recognized by‍ their elongated bodies with a⁤ dark gray to brown color, detailed with light spots. Their mouth houses notable frontal canine teeth and molar-like teeth on the sides. They differ from the ⁤common wolfish by having a shorter head and more rounded snout.


Spotted Wolffish is considered a​ delicacy in many parts of Scandinavia. Its meat has a firm texture and a ‌delicate, slightly sweet ⁣taste. It is often pan-fried, steamed, or poached and served with various sauces. Spotted Wolffish also offers a good source of lean‍ protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

The Spotted Wolffish largely feeds on various invertebrates including echinoderms, crustaceans, and mollusks. They are also known for their unique mating⁤ ritual where they pair up during⁤ the breeding season. Spotted Wolffish ⁤have few natural predators due ⁤to their large size‌ and strong jaws, but human activities like⁢ overfishing and habitat destruction are significant threats.

Spotted Wolffish are culturally significant to local fishing communities in the Northern Atlantic,‌ particularly Scandinavia, where they are a ‍common feature in local lore and legends.

References ‌and Further Reading