Starry Flounder


The Starry Flounder (Platichthys stellatus) is a beautiful fish from the‍ flatfish family, Plueronectidae.

Conservation Status

Starry‍ Flounder is not considered endangered⁢ or threatened. Conservation efforts focus on maintaining healthy ⁣aquatic environments that support robust‌ populations.


Statistic Average Range
Length 60 cm 30 – 91 cm
Weight 3.4 kg 1 ⁢- 9.1 kg
Average Lifespan 20 years N/A


Starry Flounder are⁣ found in the northern Pacific Ocean, ⁤from Japan to California, and from Alaska to the Bering Sea. They are not known to engage in⁢ extensive migrations.


These flatfish prefer coastal waters near sandy or muddy bottoms. They can exist in depths from the ​shallows to about 375 m, and ‌tolerate‍ a temperature⁤ range from -1.8°C to 22°C.

When and Where to See

Primarily ⁤nocturnal, Starry Flounder are most active at dusk and ⁢dawn.⁣ Although ⁢they can be seen year-round, they are most easily spotted in late spring and⁢ summer.

Best Fishing Locations

Top spots for catching Starry Flounder⁣ include:

  1. Sitka,‍ Alaska
  2. Bristol Bay, Alaska
  3. Prince William Sound, Alaska
  4. Monterey Bay, California
  5. San Francisco ⁢Bay, California
  6. Humboldt Bay,⁣ California
  7. Tillamook Bay, Oregon
  8. Yokohama Bay, Japan
  9. Kujukuri ‌Beach, Japan
  10. Sakhalin ​Island, Russia

How ⁤to Catch

The top lure for Starry Flounder ⁣fishing is​ cut⁣ bait,⁤ preferably of a local prey species. Bottom fishing techniques tend‌ to be the most ⁣successful. Late spring to summer is typically the best⁣ time for fishing.

Identification Guide

Starry Flounder are dark brown to black with numerous white to ⁣orange spots. Their ⁤shape is distinctly flat with both eyes on ⁣the right side of‍ the body. Comparatively, they⁤ have rougher skin than most⁣ other flatfish.


Starry Flounder ‍is noted for its mild, sweet flavor, ‌and buttery texture. It can be⁤ baked, broiled, grilled, or lightly sautéed. Nutritionally, it ​is a good source of protein, vitamins B6 and B12, and selenium.

Additional ‍Information

Starry Flounder feed primarily on crustaceans and other small sea creatures. They​ are preyed upon by larger fish and marine mammals. While⁢ there⁢ is no known⁤ significant historical or cultural significance, their widespread presence makes ‌them⁢ important for recreational​ and commercial fishing.

References and Further Reading


  • Fishbase
  • Aquarium ‍of the Pacific
  • Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Recommended ​reading: